Ur Kondor

I just want my plane back.

I'd comment, but first I have to perform surgery (let's do the whole episode backwards!)

Con Air seems to be on every time I travel somewhere and turn on the tv. Of course, I have to watch it for Nic Cage's accent and John Malkovich's overenunciation. Plus, a young Monica Potter!

Maybe that's why I actually remember this episode as a good one.

Just rewatched this and I came right here (5 years late to a review of a 14 year old episode). It's weird that I don't remember seeing this episode the first time - maybe I didn't like it either because I wanted to see more Mulder and Scully, too. But this is an enjoyable episode. I really like how Frohike's comment

Late to the party, but I enjoyed Goldmember. It was as if Myers knew how ridiculous it was that he was spending the decade re-hashing old material and instead of phoning it in, went the self-referential route on quite a few jokes (the intro, Fat Bastard's cable fighting disaster and extended commentary on flatulence,


I got buddies that died face-down in the mud so we could enjoy this "family bunker."

The look out the window would be the extra scene, and it's the last second of the movie. But it's a total letdown - it's just the Flanders kids.

Those little bugs don't just appear on their own.

I always laugh at how David Hornsby writes or directs all of the episodes with Cricket in them.

Pooped is the one where we discover that "there's so much wolf hair in that apartment…"

A failed major in psychology just doesn't give her the killin' chops that a successful minor in psychology does.

Yeah, I try to work in "what… are… you…?" when I can.

"banjos are too mainstream. I prefer balalaikas played by bowtie-wearing popcorn salesmen."

Late to the party, because I'm late to the Entourage party, but this sounds like a Billy Walsh idea.

Does he not know?

You were flying out there, idiotking.

I always figured the Wongs' fat jokes (or any of the other comments they make to Amy) weren't designed to be fat jokes, but that Amy's parents were the joke. Kind of like Brannigan's jokes aren't supposed to be read as the writers being sexist or pompous jerks; they're there to make Zap (or Amy's parents) a running

Did it ever occur to these cops, that- that- uhh, instead of, uhhh, running around, arresting Will… This could be a lot more, uhhh, com-PLEX…. i~~~it might not be, to such a…. you know?