
Right? When I was a kid in the 80's, we had two big-ass bakelite rotary phones from the late 40's; a black and brass one, and a cream and chrome one. Aside from being beautiful machines, and being super-satisfying to use, at 20 lbs a piece, they doubled as deadly weapons; ergonomically designed to hoist by the fingers

Well, evidently they had an unused landline connection available at Mar-A-Lago the “Southern White House”.

Not really;

Well, it certainly depends on your citizenship status; this Mexican woman in Texas mistakenly thought she could vote, and got 8 years, which will probably be followed by deportation;

FB wants clicks, and fake news = clicks. Their policy against it and the tools users have to combat it are just for show.

In Florida they try children as adults for some felonies. Including life sentences.

What really sucks is that Florida is one of the states where committing a felony will get you permanently barred from voting. Logic would dictate that this wouldn’t qualify, but then again FLORIDA.

during his time as governor, Pence enabled the worst HIV outbreak in Indiana’s history. At its height, the state was facing 20 new cases of the virus each week, while Pence sat back and dithered about the morality of needle exchanges.

I think that might be a harder sell

I’m not ungreying you, dipshit. The subject was brought up by FOX and Trump to scaremonger to Americans, to excuse xenophobia and racist travel bans, and Canada’s rates of refugee acceptance and immigration, while much higher, are far closer to those of the U.S. than are Sweden’s. I know that isn’t convenient for

Oh I’m definitely not disputing that, to be clear. It’s (unsurprisingly) crass in addition to probably not being allowed.

I think this is precisely why the best strategy is to approach this problem as a series of specific, non-partisan issues. For example, rather than saying “hey republican school teacher: republicans are anti-education” it’s much more effective to say, “hey republican school teacher: DeVos is coming for your school, for

Not only did he not get any loving, he got his picture taken! The indignity of it all.

Ya, the thing is, if you come here to complain that the excerpt I cited doesn’t disprove the precise point you want to make, you should probably read the rest of the article I linked, which does. Dismissed.

I’m not even allowed to say McConnell’s name in front of my husband- it riles him right up and he needs to drink. He hates him even more than Trump, because Trump is a fucking fool, whereas Mitch is a snake. I tend to agree with him on that, though usually i have more than enough contempt to go around.

I’d guess right after they have used him to dismantle the social safety net and privatized everything they possibly can. They have state legislatures, the House, Senate, Presidency, and very soon the Supreme Court back in their majority; why would they give up any power now? I mean, short of nuclear war, and even

He filed to start his re-election campaign the day after inauguration. On the bright side, I think this means he can’t fill the Supreme Court, because the GOP points out this would be inappropriate to do during a Presidential campaign.

I thought this was pretty good trolling: a Swedish newspaper published a list of events that took place yesterday- in English- just to underline how uneventful things are there. It includes a real moose humping a wooden moose;

It’s funny, I didn’t see the post of Bill inviting Milo on his show before I posted this, and now I’d like to double-down as well as add transphobia to my list of complaints. What a gutless turd.

I’m trying to figure out why the cops didn’t just tell the guy that sleeping was not a crime and blast him for wasting their time. There will always be ridiculous assholes in the world, but it’s pretty scary when the authorities jump right in on the ridiculousness.