
A Tragic Update: My lovable idiot broke my french press. After a night shift he tried to heat up a cuppa ON THE WOODSTOVE and melted the plastic fusilage around the glass. It still works (this was a year ago) and everything, but it looks too sad to bring out when people come by.

The fact that all the accusations came from when he was at ABC indicates to me he was reprimanded or even fired for it; creeps don’t suddenly stop being a creeps (and change jobs) unless they get caught. In that light, his response is troubling;

I disagree. I think you’re presenting this as a false choice between compensating any potential victims of sexual assault Subway enabled, and compensating an innocent woman who married a pedophile because his employers were helping to cover it up. Subway is liable for the lives ruined by failing to report pedophilia

Gallows? That’s... a novel approach. I’d settle for a situation where the police enforce the existing laws, though. That would be nice.

I was talking about my own home town where it is certainly true, but there also seems to be some statistical support to the idea that these types of jobs have shifted to primarily being performed by adults;

You better believe I fixed that right quick. Phrasing!

I see what you’re saying. Probably best left to auto engineers rather than this company, which seems primarily interested in marketing a concept rather than a real product.

I will go way out on a limb and say Matt Lauer sucks, boys and girls. He sucks rotten balls.

When I was a teen, the wealthy kids spent their summers in enriching activities like travelling or sports camps while the rest of us worked minimum wage. Now the wealthy kids do the same thing but the rest of the kids have nothing to do but watch t.v., since the entry level jobs are now permanently filled with adults.

I would argue that this article is about the cynical pursuit of profit under the guise of solving a social issue with poorly conceived and impractical technology.


At a certain point, Subway chose to keep children at risk and sacrifice this woman to the coverup, and they should pay dearly for that decision.

That study is looked at guns used in self defense in general, not sexual assault specifically. For the reason I stated above (and others) I rather doubt that the same statistics apply to rape as, say for instance, home invasion or attempted robbery.

Okay, show me.

Wrong again. It means there’s a significant contingent who know that rape is wrong but don’t know what actually constitutes rape, contradicting your unsourced claim. Everyone can read what it says.

In 99% of rapes, the person doesn’t think they are doing something that society is okay with.

But not really. Statistically speaking, the gun is far more likely to be stolen than used successfully in self-defense. There’s also the problem that you’re not likely to have it at the ready in the most likely rape scenario- hanging out with someone you know and trust.

All these product concepts seem good for is generating buzz and sending entirely the wrong message to both men and women.

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;