
Not really, no. To me, he’s not extreme on the left/right political spectrum, but extreme on the asshole scale. I find his anti-Muslim and anti-feminist stances repulsive.

It’s not the inaccurate comment that miffs me, it’s that this dude is pretending we’re all stupid, like a dummy. Sigh.

Mmm, nah. Instead of reading the article you jumped to the comments and made a counterfactual statement that is contradicted in the article and also independently disprovable, then spent a great deal of words and time pretending otherwise, backtracking, and gaslighting everyone who pointed it out to you as if we are

For the low low price of $200K, you too could be considered for an ambassadorship!

I know those guys! I’m not a part of that group but i do follow some of them. I think it’s good to see a resurgence of alternative parties. Coming to the U.S. from Canada, I’m a fan of multiparty systems.

That’s for the response, and sorry to ask and disappear (my connection went wonky last night).

Yes! It’s been floating around for a while, but I think it gains traction every time he issues a denial, such as in that bonkers pres conference/surrealist performance the other day.

No kidding. Not super proud of our species, of late.

It’s pretty depressing to consider how many folks share this opinion, minus the /s.

What elements of the resistance are “far-left”?

Okay, but think about it this way: any protocols that allow them to leak to the press anonymously also allow them to hide information that should be subject to subpoena/FOIA requests, or on the public record. It goes both ways.

This guy has multiple scandals behind him that would normally take someone completely out of the running for a cabinet position. I didn’t even realize this was the same guy who, as Oklahoma AG, was involved in the botched execution there until I saw it on Maddow last night; for entirely political reasons, he pushed

Not to mention that White House staff are using end-to-end encryption apps to communicate. This is enabling both leaks and secrecy that potentially violate the Federal Records Act.

So that’s directly counter to your assertion that regulation has made the industry less competitive, and the notion that deregulation will make it more competitive.

the regulation ties it up and makes other forms of fossil fuels more economically viable

Clinton lost because her campaign was trash and she was a horrible candidate, not because the media wasn’t tough enough on Trump or was too hard on her.

Ya I’m enjoying some of these retrograde halfwits getting the taste of a 21st C. backlash and having to backtrack or stand there in the dunce cap. On the other hand, children are listening and we don’t want a historical curiosity to become a new wave of thinking. There’s a lot of fascist “christian” propaganda in the

“Just” in that he’s just a sadist who’s terrified of any women who’s purpose isn’t servitude.

Wow. No wonder these old white guys seem to take an us-against-them attitude; it’s really old white guys vs... everyone else.