
I missed that. Is this the same Macomb County as this?

Sigh. This is why we can’t have nice threads, people.

Ugh. They’re parasitic, really, taking advantage of every tax loophole and not actually providing good jobs.

It’s getting its shorts in a knot; responded to me five times now. Sigh. Mental illness, folks.

It’s bad enough that racist sadists get off on communities being terrorized, and to me even worse that corporate fascists are exploiting that hate to make money.

Why would you ungrey this piece of garbage? check out their comment history. Just dismiss this kind of asshole- it’s not worth engaging with them.

Hold on- these new detention facilities will be for-profit institutions paid for by taxpayers, but they’re asking for volunteer asylum officers- whom detainees have a legal right to speak to- to deal with the volume of new detainees?

Maybe it’s a for-profit prison. This can result in people receiving insanely high bonds- hey, you gotta keep those jails filled on taxpayers’ dime, or prison shareholders could lose their dividends.

Do they not have a protocol for this type of thing?

Yes, what I’m saying though is that regardless of how many EO’s he issues, his lawyers cannot erase the statements made by himself and his proxies about the intent of those orders. He ran on a platform of banning Muslims, and Giuliani went on t.v. and said plain as day that the focus on those 7 countries was an

Yup, working fine.

I don’t particularly care for Maher, but I do really like the format of his show. There’s still nothing else like it on t.v.

But the thing is, you don’t get a do-over, do you? If the 9th district found clear evidence of the administrations intent on a Muslim ban- because he friggin’ campaigned on it- they can’t just pretend that a new ban is unrelated; the courts don’t have to pretend to not know that... right?

Is this real life? Dear god, we’re ruled by gamergaters.

Hmm. That sounds twitter-related rather than kinja

I was having the same problem yesterday, never happened before. Can you post the link? It’s only one extra click.

And of the 4 judges, 2 were republican appointees. So no, the courts are not “so political” they just unanimously agree that your WH counsel sucks donkey balls.

He essentially pissed himself, then went home and got all Tough Guy on the internet.

Well you ARE more qualified than Trump’s nominee, by virtue of not being thoroughly corrupt.