
If this was a cheese orgy we’d be having a different conversation...

I think it’s meant to be revolting. Like how 12 year olds will do some random stupid shit like wear their shoes on the wrong feet or put cement in their hair and declare it funny and cool simply because adults just don’t get it, man.

Why do they take off their shirts? To prove they don’t exercise?

Ya, this retired school teacher is going to love that characterization;

Ya, lactose tolerance just means at least some of your ancestors herded cows and sheep and shit. Just imagine how impoverished your life must be that a tummy enzyme that lets you drink something for baby mammals is, in your mind, something you have going for you.

People are fucking stupid. Consider how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of the population is dumber than that ;)

I don’t really know. If I had to guess, I’d say because the women discussing this have a pretty self-actualized view of their female-ness, whereas there aren’t a lot of positive and nuanced models of masculinity floating around for men to internalize. Personally, I came to feminism because the patriarchy was actively,

I agree, but just to provide context, 55% of Americans also believe angels are real.

The fact that both parties have failed to speak to average people’s real concerns- which is true- shouldn’t be confused with the notion that both 2016 candidates were equally bad- which is false.

Only the negative ones. Just like only the negative news is fake.

You’re only 3 weeks in and your most popular policy proposal (the one you spectacularly mangled implementing because your “best” people don’t read good/know stuff) is supported by roughly half the population? That is... not a thing anyone who understands numbers or politics would brag about.

I both hate and love the emergence of the word “cuck”; it’s a sign of the toxic and depressing conception of masculinity in our times, but it’s also a convenient indicator that useful phase of the conversation is over. It’s the verbal equivalent of a confederate flag t-shirt or a yellow sports car.

What even is an “alpha male” when it comes to relationships? Someone who feels the need to dominate? Someone who is eternally threatened by my power? Someone preoccupied with the pecking order? Uh, no thanks. I will take the secure man who relates to me and other people as a human beings. I’ll go for the guy who can

Amen. This idoicy is both scolding to women and reeeally fucking insulting to men.


It’s an exploitative interpretation, but it’s complicated.

That sucks, but maybe he’ll come around. Men are stubborn, but ultimately too prideful to stick with a clear loser. Give it time.

Why are these middle class white men so afraid all the time?

Yes, the “blame the black guy” and “shit on the woman” strategies have expired, and I don’t think they have a back-up plan.

Ya, after she tried to be the bigger person and shake his hand at the inauguration... I think hating on Hillary is the only note he knows how to play.