
I'm developing a severe allergy to the term "traditional values" in any context and with any modifier. There is literally no "traditional value" that I cannot flip on its head, break up, fry, and serve back to its originator with a nice hollandaise in about five minutes. It literally means nothing except the prejudice

You can always hate poor people, brown people, gay people or female people more than you love yourself, even when you belong to some of said groups.

Woman Republicans are almost as strange to me as gay Republicans these days. Show me a black lesbian Republican and my head might actually explode.

I don't think you realize how bad hunger is, and how strict some places are with their policies.

The unfortunate thing is that a lot of food banks now won't allow children because they are overcrowded. The food bank by me only allows 2 people per family to enter, maximum, because it is so busy. I drive by it every morning at 8, the food bank doesn't open until 9, and already the parking lot is full and people are

I guess the question we should be asking is this 28-year-old mother, should she be left unattended. Doesn't look like she's mature enough to be a parent. She's being supervised today in the county jail. Hopefully she learns her lesson.

"Breaking News: WineCritic got bangs on Wednesday. We assume they look fabulous but cannot confirm due to lack of image posting capabilities."

No it's also a political statement about the instability of the dollar

I made a thing, and I can't put it here.

That is one LONG finger.

I wish you guys would have covered MY decision to get bangs on Wednesday. Alexa gets all the love. Sad trombone.

"Son of a nigger loving atheist bitch" BOOM HAT TRICK.

Also sleepy…she sounds drunk of fucked up. Maybe she was in his blind spot or, you know, actually came out of nowhere because she was driving drunk. She seems to be having an awful lot of trouble trying to unbuckle her seatbelt.

You have a really skewed concept of passive aggressive bullshit if you think that. He was checking on her, which was his responsibility as a driver who almost caused an accident, and he was recording it for the sake of possible liability issues. Nearly every insurance company and police tip sheet I have ever read

The things she says are unfortunate but if ever anyone is likely to say something like that it's when they've just been in fear for their life.

when is it okay to threaten to kill someone's children? If this had been a black dude threatening a white suburban housewife do you think you would be making excuses for him right now?

Exactly! What if he was wearing a "Muslim prayer rug" (aka Adidas soccer jersey)?!

I was just gonna say..they better come correct with the casting! None of that Nina Simone bullshit!

What a horrible thing to be burdened with. At least the people in this article have insight and the desire not to offend.