Thank you for clarifying that “not all” Jezebel readers support female ISIS members. It’s not like we could ever confirm or deny this by looking at the actual comments, so we are grateful for your iron-clad memory.
Thank you for clarifying that “not all” Jezebel readers support female ISIS members. It’s not like we could ever confirm or deny this by looking at the actual comments, so we are grateful for your iron-clad memory.
These women have fates much worse than death.
“They do need help. But if the UN cannot protect their human rights, we would prefer these innocent girls be brought to Canada where they can recover and live in peace and freedom as human beings with dignity.”
The idea of some manipulative scumbucket using a woman’s embryos against her will is terrifying.
I have no idea, but I can say with certainty that a waitress gets better tips if she saves here apologies for when she spills a tray full of beer pitchers and sizzling fajitas into a person’s lap. Working on an all male team I think it roughly applies to fields other than waitressing. I try to ask myself: would a man…
That sketch was a little uncanny, right?
My name is an inkblot test. You won’ believe the number of people who swear I’m benji anal lover. My name does not spell that.
I wasn’t here last week, but so what if you were being mopey? You’re allowed to be mopey, or pissy or fed up or whatever- why be apologetic about it? You’re lovely and funny and insightful and I don’t mean to be gruff or personal, just wondering in general why funny insightful women apologize for seeming less than…
That’s awesome! Is it a wild raspberry bush, or do you think someone planted it? Either way that’s really cool. If you attach them to a wire fence or stake them and put some compost soil around them (we used composted horse manure/topsoil) they will shoot up. So yummy.
Use it and pass it along! BTW I love your nom de kinja. It gives me a vivid visual every time I read it.
Not to sound like your bossy aunt but I have found that sticking to sipping drinks as opposed to shots when I’m out with strangers is best. People can be so pushy about it when they buy you shots, I have taken to the habit of saying I’m allergic to shots. It’s sort of a cute nonsensical little half-joke that shuts…
Raspberries are my favorite berry- growing up we had raspberry bushes in our yard and we’d race out through the dew every morning to eat them right off the bushes. What a luxury, eh? But as a result I am a raspberry snob and dislike fake raspberry flavoring. I find that vodka pretty gross.
I remember having some super-sudsy synthetic raspberry flavored puke on account of chugging Clearly Canadian before tumbling practice back in the day. Good times.
Having 17 children is selfish with regard to the planet’s finite resources, and having IVF in order to have a child at 65 is selfish with regard to that child’s long term well-being.
I really wouldn’t trot out Mensa if you’re aiming to brag about your intelligence; it’s a big red flag that screams the opposite message than you think it does. Have you ever actually met a successful, socially intelligent person who felt desperate enough to join Mensa? It’s like a Tall Person’s Club; not a t-shirt…
Don’t forget how an opportunistic politician is using their abuse as an excuse to forgive their abuser on their behalf, for political points with breeding cults. Who the fuck is Mike Huckabee to forgive him? Who the fuck is Mike Huckabee to forgive the parents for bringing a known serial molester back into the house…
I find it frustrating that just as I feel like I’m coming into my prime (I’m 34) and finally have the confidence and experience to match my skill and swagger I am suddenly deemed less valuable. That’s backwards!
When I was 33 I dated a 50 year old man and let me tell you that in real life, people were never sure if we were a couple or father and daughter. If we’d stayed together we would have been 37 and 55, and it’s pretty warped to think that a producer would see that as too close in age rather than barely close enough,…
It’s a common, yet inexplicable refrain these days. “Strangers are judging me based solely on something I said or did in public: NO FAIRSIES!”