It reminds me of the residential school system in Canada, a very quiet, easy-to-sell form of genocide. “We’re ripping these children away from their families/neighborhoods/cultural heritage for their own good.” Disgusting.
It reminds me of the residential school system in Canada, a very quiet, easy-to-sell form of genocide. “We’re ripping these children away from their families/neighborhoods/cultural heritage for their own good.” Disgusting.
:( nope There’s one on youtube with Martin Short- is that it?
I can’t watch that from Canada but it sounds funny.
*eyeroll* Jenn: it was a joke, eh? Canada has a huge variety of dialects and usages of the word, eh? Calm your pedantic tits, eh?
That she is a woman and is Mayweather’s publicist makes her a bad person in my books, and the fact that she get’s paid for it is an aggravating, not mitigating factor.
Mmm, I think that means something else.
My condolences.
My sister had a boyfriend who was very allergic to mushrooms, but routinely didn’t believe him. He did not feel confident enough faith in people’s basic decency or common sense to eat at restaurants.
I think this counts as “rare archival footage”.
You pointed out her hyperbole. Fine. Please move along, because now you’re letting your personal insult crowd out your empathy for these people in their struggle. It sounds like you’re trying to downplay the struggles of other races, downplay all other human atrocities. Sorry about what happened to your family, but…
Why are you trying to make this about you? It seems ignorant to dismiss the terrorizing racial animus from white american power structures toward black people historically and currently. If you want to say it’s apples and oranges fair enough, but being flippant in this context isn’t appropriate.
The more I hear about her, the more (post)modern she seems.
Please read the thread; I already said this. Also; that’s a correct usage were I come from, and the only one that makes the joke work, eh?
Same. I change my mind a lot but he’s my favorite writer here at the moment.
It sounds like word soup because his brain is filled with thought-soup; a disarticulated mess.
Don’t try to make too much sense out of it.
YES. The solution we’re aiming for is a society that is just for all, not one where everyone is rich (which is not even logically possible let alone practically possible).