
God that’s annoying. Why do you guys always say that, eh?

Either that or they’re being punished for being associated with the people who actually carried out the attack.

Same as in Canada. What is confusing about it?

I’m still arguing with a dude there who is outraged at all the outrage :/

Head over to Gawker and behold many people not understanding what is wrong with the campaign.

She must have been wondering “did Meredith just ask me on her show to make me look stupid on the wage gap issue?” Yes Stacey. Yes.

Now playing

Like Malcolm X once said, “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Hello troll.

Good. Someone with some power needs to take on the fracking lobby, because democratically elected governments don’t seem to be willing to do anything besides fellating them. The commodity they should be worrying about is water, not shale gas.

Spending $85,000 on a party sounds like something you do at the end of a lifetime of success, after you’ve earned it and can spend it on yourselves as a couple, rather than the beginning of a marriage between young people.

You sound like my siblings. They don’t want too much fuss, many moving parts, because stressing over the aesthetics of a wedding is not worth it, and a pretty crappy way to start a marriage. We also had a cousin who had a fairy-tale $85,000 wedding and 4 month marriage: YIKES.

Roses are dead simple to make. They take maybe 30 seconds when you’ve got the hang of it, so I encourage you to try it if you’re interested. This was for someone who wanted “blue lace” flowers, but you could really customize them much more than this slapdash bouquet. You want to use high quality rice paper for roses

Not at all. I’m pretty familiar with the crowd here and these were sincere feminists who assumed I was a man rather than another feminist with a contrary/contrarian opinion.

Pro tip: some designs require paper that bends, like fibrous handmade paper, and some require paper that creases, like regular computer paper. Be sure to figure out which type you need for the type of origami design you are doing before you spend too much money on Japanese paper!

Jan! Where’ve you been?

I think you’re right on the money in terms of demographic differences.

I do not; I work in a completely different industry now. However, I’m pretty sure that you’d find many variations on this theme on Etsy! Unfortunately, I only have this one crappy picture of my work on this particular computer and it’s not even hand-painted. I wish I had pics of this tree I made from a thousand

I worked briefly in the industry years ago, but I left because... well, it wasn’t for me. I felt sort of manipulative talking brides into a lovely product that was also completely unnecessary (I designed customized handpainted origami/mache bouquets/sculptures and lanterns as decorations) and I started to feel sort of

I’m noticing more and more brides spending less and less on their weddings, opting for low-key DIY affairs and eschewing their “dream weddings” for simpler ceremonies and home parties. Is this a industry wide trend? Is this a backlash to the industry’s special snowflake malarkey? I wonder if the pendulum has swung

That is the funkiest interpretation yet.