
This is one of the few sports events I watch live, and I have to say that the commentary immediately after this Woods interview was SHADE. Super polite, softly put, eviscerating shade. I hate golf on a lot of levels but my very ill dad finds it comforting, and I remember watching all the Masters with my dad over the

I would have to disagree that it is a separate issue. Those wrong-headed teachers (1) are the role models, and if all you see from people like you (2) in a certain career is how unhappy they are and how willing to shame people (3) and enforce racial divide, would you go into that career? If the role models themselves

Then again this could be peculiar to the south where it seems like education is a much more viable path for professional black people. The racial disparity among teachers seemed less so when it came to black and white (including administrators...

I do feel like I see your point and I’m not sure why you don’t think I do. To my understanding your (main) point is that

I agree with you. I will say that the idea that black teachers are sometimes as wrong-headed as white ones on issues of race is a separate issue from the fact that there are still not enough black teachers in predominantly black schools. To me it’s a similar situation to black police officers; sure, some of those

Cool. That puts you in higher standing than most people here. I appreciate that. I’m really not contesting your tone though, but rather suggesting that you missed the point of the article and my subsequent comment. I’m trying to make a point to you, not to make you feel bad.

Quality backtracking drenched in smarm.

Do you really think white girls don’t talk and goof around in classes that are led by white teachers? Really? Is that what you are saying???

... I agreed with you, black teachers have the added bonus of clearly being able to relate more easily to the material and add in their own experiences. White teachers are already at a disadvantage teaching this material because it is not their culture or experience. But my only point was being a black teacher

Because you’re so post-racial, right?

I don’t have any bias

Wow. Your level of umbrage is telling. At the mere suggestion that black teachers might perhaps be better at presenting black role models, you are having a little pity party because you feel insulted. Sure, sure, you definitely don’t have any bias you’re unaware of...

I only had one teacher of color before University, but he taught chemistry, so there really wasn’t a lot of alternative perspective he could bring to the subject. But I know that my black and brown profs in my University classes (I studied anthropology) had valuable insights for me as a white person that the white

I wonder also if teachers of color would present information in a less discriminatory way, or if there’s no room for discretion left in the curriculum? For example, a black teacher might be more likely to talk about a black scientist in science class than a white teacher.

I'm not grumbling. I said I hate them. I am allowed. I hate even more that it's "summer" there.

All the details are in the links, I just didn’t read them all. Regarding her fertility; that’s super lucky, or unlucky, depending on how you look at it.

I'll never understand why young people (I'm in my 30's so I'm talking teens and early 20's) decide to wear almost a uniform. Sure, it's counter to the ways their parents dress, but it's all samey samey. I bet all these people will feel differently about their flash tatoos in 20 years.

Great. This story just gets grosser and grosser.

What a selfish bitch.

Twice???? Nobody had this kids back. Very sad.