Benjamin Patron

Back in the 23k (or 25k ? I don't remember) era when I was a kid, some telemarketers would call us EVERYDAY, so my dad got pissed off, and made a script for the dial-up modem to dial their number, wait 15 seconds then hang up and loop. My dad let it run for 3 days at his office then called them, explained the

Funny thing, I type faster with my Archos 70IT on portrait mode, with smart keyboard pro and two thumbs.

I'm sure being blended and spread on a corn field would be much more efficient, plus I don't mind (it will just be gross lol). They do that with some dead animals in farms...

As a french I approve of this (but it is really in some backyard county lol, we don't have much tractor like that now).

The good thing about android is that you can choose a new app for your sms, and with handcent sms, if you reply to the sms without clicking on the notification, the notification simply disappear

Thanks buddy !

Back when I was still doing papercrafts, I assembled about 30 "real 3D" pieces of tetris, then glued them to my chimney. It was looking great, but kinda nerdy.

I don't watch TV because I hate ads, and 99% of the US/UK shows I like to watch subbed (or even without subs) that I download would never make it in france, or if they make it they will be poorly dubbed. I also have a copy of the 250 000 artwork that I saw on the web, I don't think it's piracy. I do pirate music, as I

They don't really need to conform to a set of required specifications to adopt Android. Only to adopt all of the Google's app.

vote : subsonic

Well, I'm sad, no mention of foobar2000.

@Benjamin Patron: oh and WINROLL, which I recommend to anyone who want to get a bit more control over his/her Windows windows. This thing is written in basic (or so I recall), has quite never been updated, and work like a charm from xp to Seven !

Well I use old programmes like jasc paint shop pro 9, spacemonger (the free version).

@Platypus Man: You can install AdFree, it remove every ads within games/apps. I know a shitstorm of comment will follow this comment, but I don't care, I have a limited 3g data plan, and I'm not downloading ads ! (+ I paid for every games I loved, instead of getting the apk from the web)

@Benjamin Patron: Oh and to be able to save customs themes for the links and suck. Every new link I create is dotted.

This is awesome. I'm not sure I'll use it soon on a real project, but right now I'm using it to map "why does my life is shitty?". I'd just like to be able to move easily the sub-topics across the map, I don't know if it's possible right now ?

I'd love to plug one in my wall, wired to the 230V (europe here). I'm Evil.

Isn't WPA2 hackable yet ? I thought that with rainbow tables (not sure if it was rainbow table, just some kind of 100-300 gb table (dictionnary maybe ?)) and handshakes, you could crack it ?