Benjamin Patron

@llamalounge: Well, all of the adblock users (including me) don't see them, but I saw in a documentary that even if they are ads, many of them lead to the 1-3 first results you click on anyway. Well that is for the in google-search ads, that are pay per click if I remember, I don't know how it works for the other kind

Looks like a good idea if you have an hard mousepad, otherwise, Ivthink it won't be comfortable.

Well in fact in France there is an ISP called Free, and there are true Free Wifi hotspot, just nammed Free Wifi, but the icon isn't the ad hoc one.

here is mine. before I got some custom icons, I couldn't use the "small sized icons" option, but now I'm used to.

The thing I like the most about Flash on my Acer Liquid is : kongregate ! free good games !

@Mr_Biggles: Fair enough. The DeLorean is of course awesome. I just tend to assume that every coffee shop like that in Chicago are "starbuck-esque". I guess I should visit the USA before saying stupid things. I apologize.

I don't know if I could could make a difference between canned & bottled beer when poured in glasses, but it got a metallic taste when you drink it directly from the can.

I've tried it on my Acer Liquid but too much bugs. But I'm sure it will be fixed soon, knowing these guys.

How do you Americans call guys like that ? Hipsters ? No, I'm serious, it's not my native language. They even have the standard lesbian cofee-bartender. It's like QuestionableContent everywhere ! (and I like it).

@SparklyJesus: Well, I don't know about you, but I can see individuals pixels on my friend iPhone 4. I will only being satisfied when I won't notice a dead pixel.

Well, if the phone as a good dedicated user-base, it's not a problem. I'm running 2.2 on an Acer Liquid 1.6 device. Work perfectly.

@Benjamin Patron: And it's cheaper than a seedbox, but it does not enhance your upload speed (well, except if you put a bitorrent client on the server, but a cheap server doesn't have much hard drive space.)

I highly recommend you, if you are going to pay for a vpn, to creat your own on a dedicated host. It's cheaper, much much much safer, and there is a ton of tutorials so it's easy to set up (no really, even if you don't know a damn thing about linux, it's easy !). And you can share the costs with your friends.

How do blimps will fly then ?

@adam.skinner: Seriously ? I wasn't even aware of that, and I use LP for a long time ! thanks man.

@chefgon: You can change it, I don't remember the name of the app but you can change it. There is even an app to unlock with the power button.

@Tyrunn: Well, the best antivirus is logic. On TPB, only download from vip or trusted sources. and don't execute anything if you are downloading a video/song. Downloading game however is the worse thing to do, any keygen/ original exe file could be infected.

Wouldn't it only be with the use of a 0-day exploit that you can be infected by an ad without clicking it ? I don't see anything capable of infecting your computer that way. Well, maybe shutting down your browser with a bug or something, but loading and executing something ?