Benjamin Patron

I'm a little late here, but I just bought the game, and yeah, it's worth 10$. The soundtrack is awesome but there isn't many songs on it, I hope the devs add some. It's kinda Geometry Wars without the "strange arenas" feeling. The catch here is the SlowMo, it's really well done. I would have loved more type of

It does look cool (and I'm an Android kind of guy, mind you).

This kill the screen estate :( But I guess you can hide it...

Your comment seems very logical to me, but could you explain it a bit, as I fail to see the similarities between iOS and Android.

I'm not sure I want Apple to win all of this patent-troll war, I would be furious is Android get killed (well not the AOSP, but the Google Market etc...). And why ban the device like that ? Just order the software to be modified !

I have to agree with everyone, this lack PowerAmp, a very powerfull player. For thoses of you (like all of my iPhone-owner friends) who think it's too complicated, the MIUI Music Player is now available.

Well thank you, I'll enjoy my FFTA on my Android device, for free (well I still have the GBA cartridge so I guess I'm semi-legit...).

Deez is right, the closest level of zoom is from aerial imagery. otherwise you would see the "can't zoom that far" thing from google maps. This is the closest zoom we can get from a staellite : [] So I think the letters are are visible from space, but not to the naked eye.

Thanks !

You made me laugh ! I do that all the time since I've been locked ou of my flat.

I don't know if this is a big troll or what, but even I, as an Android-fanboy, would totally get an iPhone battery over any android one. I've never even see an Apple device with a dead battery.

Don't want to sound snob here but isn't the Chinese firewall that is preventing you from buying one ?

Damn, I'm a big android fanboy, have a website and about 20 tablets at my place, but the iPhone is just stuffed with stupidly awesome games and apps. Would I look ridiculous carrying two cellphones ? ;(

Well I'm in a bank here in France, I don't know if the benefit is from mastercard or my bank, but everything bought online is guaranteed +1year from the store (not manufacturer) warranty. So back then I got my laptop online, no extra warranty, and 1y6month later the motherboard fried. My bank made me send back the

Getting the HD2, even if it was "old" when I got it, was the smartest tech-related decision I ever made. Sure it's not THAT powerful, but damn I love flashing Android rom (MIUI, CM7...) and dual-booting WP7 Mango ! And I'm sure the moment Google release the source code of Honeycomb it will be ported to the HD2. (Well,

I'm a french student, not mean, but i almost never tip. Tipping here is more like at somewhat great restaurant, in other establishment servers doesn't expect any tips. And the more I saw someone tip for a great meal was like 4€ for a 65€ bill. (I totally agree with AΨB below).

Nice ! On a related note, the "compact navigation" mode has finally shipped to the dev channel, so you don't have to use canary to use it (in my experience dev is way more stable than canary).

This article speak the truth ! I have a MX1100 (and before that I had a MX1000), it's not a gaming mouse but a mouse with a lot of buttons. With SetPoint+UberOptions (google it, it's a nice addon to setpoint) + a few autohotkey scripts you can do almost anything within different programs with just your mouse. It's

Google revealed that in order to be able to make Android phones with Google apps on them, every carrier/constructer will have to make a deal with Google. That deal say that they MUST update theire phones to the latest version of Android (during at least 18month after the release of the phone). It also say that they

As an Android fanboy, I must say this article is very-well balanced. I don't agree with #1 & #2 but that's just my opinion. #2 is soon to be killed anyway.