Benjamin Patron

The beta totally solved my hd-flash-video problem. Hooray for GPU acceleration !

oh god thanks I hate franch gizmodo. It's just like bad translation of articles here... one day later.

I don't think so, Lifehacker.

As much as I love start pages, I don't use them, as I have my bookmarks faviconized on the side, in firefox.

How is Apple going to lure customers then ?

meh. Belvedere sound awesome but it NEVER worked on any of the 3 computers I've tried it. And no, I'm not a noob.

@AskTheAdmin: Damn, I tried on a 3600 pictures directory : was toooo slow, so I tried on a 500 pictures directory, it didn't take long to render the thumbnails but the navigation was too slow. I guess my processor isn't that powerful...

This look awesome, thanks lifehacker !

Awesome !

Well Jdownloader is perfect for me, since I have a MU lifetime account (got it 68$, f*** yeah!). But what I really want is a Mu uploader. I have unlimited space but MuManager is shitty at uploading files...

@tasadek: yeah, thanks for the code, I think I will use it now, when it's still valid

Hey ! I had the little black one ! But my dog ate it. :(

I would love to rotate my laptop to read comics, BUT everytime I put it on the side, the f*cking fan go crazy (no, I'm not obstructing any air holes) and the laptop abruptly shut down about a minute later. I don't get it (and I study & work in computers).

Damnit, if only I had some free time, and a little money :(. should dump my gf, this game looks awesome.

Can we still use "" tho ? It looks more professional. Or more nerdy, I'm not sure. :p

TrueCrypt is superior in many ways. And this is ugly.

@SnoopyFish: I love this diagram so much, I tranlated it in french for my friends. <3

@chrisaroz: Damn, I have exactly the same machine (and I live in france btw) and it take like 30 minutes to make a small cotton candy.

@shimage: Yeah I was wondering if it was 854x480 3d-visible pixels ?

Damnit ! I was hoping for a Pokémon Zero thing, like Pokémon 90-150 years back ! No electricity, no pokéballs (well no electronic ones)... Shit would be so cash.