I hope they fixe the size of the superbar (superbar right ? don't remember...) when put on the side of the screen.
I hope they fixe the size of the superbar (superbar right ? don't remember...) when put on the side of the screen.
I think this is close to the perfect form the 3DS could get. Ability to play 16:9 or something movies/games, ability to play old DS games, and maybe new "dual screen" games, both touch sensitive. Apart from being ugly, perfect shape !
@rduncan10: This will take years and years before it's working correctly on Mr nobody ADSL. Trust me, it's not before 5 years you can play crysis on your phone.
This poll lack the "Plan to buy another brand tablet" like on lh or giz... There is gonna be gaming on them too ! Delicious Tegra2 !
@My Little Metroid: I'd prefer a JooJoo wich I can turn else in portrait for reading comics/books or in landscape for watching movies.
@NightMystic: I'm facing the same dillema, but I tested the XL in a shop, and liked it. Plus the XL isn't going out before hmmmm 2 years in Europe I guess ? Going to buy it.
Okay, that's it. I'm going to need an Xbox. But a half priced Xbox with the sole capability to play Indie games would be sufficient.
@PaintTheSkyGrey: yes it's back on 5gb/day, wich is hum... good enought I guess. 'cept for piracy... ya know...
Well I own a Megaupload lifetime account (got it 68 euros instead of 300 \o/) so Megaupload is it for me.
Zelda OR Pokemon !? My brain hurt.
Good, now I feel guilty, thanks Kotaku ;(
9€ for 3 songs. right. I guess I'm digging out my turntable only for Dj Hero2.
As a French (I don't know how you see french people and I don't care, I don't mind my country, as I'm a citizen of the Internet, I don't watch TV, don't care about politics...), I think you are famous for fast foods and being more of a melting pot of many cultures than many countries in the world. I don't think I'd…
Damnit, pixel junk shooter for PS3 only, this XBOX only.... And I own a Wii ;(
Why do ALL american movies/videogames have the same supersoldier voice ?
nevermind my previous post I found "tabWheelher" that does exactly this.
I emailed the guy who made the best "fast-browsing" extension for firefox, TabScroller (try it!) but he will never put it on chrome. I'm gonna cry...
I'm disapointed thaht Winroll is not on this list.
:( crap I have only a swiss and a french IP, anyone know a free US vpn ?