I checked Autotrader.ca and there are zero new continentals for sale in Canada. There is, however, this slightly used model for the reasonable price of only $269,980.000: Autotrader.ca
I checked Autotrader.ca and there are zero new continentals for sale in Canada. There is, however, this slightly used model for the reasonable price of only $269,980.000: Autotrader.ca
My mom never participated in any sanctioned races, but knowing her, she probably did plenty of country road racing... no Mustangs, though.
Also, instead of panic braking he should have just let the damned thing roll backwards. The front-end will come down HARD, but that’s still better than a backflip!
My keys are usually in my right hand. Where’s your god now?!?!?! :)
If it is indeed a US model, it’s perhaps for safety. He’d be less at risk from frontal partial overlap collisions.
Superb headline, and closing line!
That contact was either very intentional, or this guy’s a very poor driver. I’m guessing he was trying to pressure the other guy into backing off, but maybe he should have just finished overtaking instead. Jeez...
I watched up to turn 3 on the first lap and my heart was pumping. Those announcers are so excited!
All The Gear, All The Time.
Good news and interesting technology. But 1300 clams for a street helmet? Ouch. The lower-priced versions that most riders will opt for (down to about $500) don’t offer the critical safety technology available in the more expensive models.
Attempting to destroy evidence? If there was contraband that floated away or dissolved, you can’t definitively link it to the car.
They have these in Montreal, Canada as well. Usually they are mechanic shops with extra bays and tools to rent. You can rent some space and when your repairs fail miserably, hire the in-house mechanic to fix your mistakes!
Eye protection! I regret not having any every single time I’m lying under my truck getting bit of dirt or drops of oil in my eyes. Also, gloves and appropriate clothing (long-sleeved shirt, pants) are important, too.
I’ve ridden in a RR and test drove a LR3. What Doug says is true - they feel special. When the air suspension works it is amazing.
If you bought through a realtor and had an inspection, ask the realtor about insurance. Some realtors include coverge for hidden problems that were not disclosed - they pay to rectify the problems then sue the seller.
Flip-flops are not tightly attached to the foot and could shift beside or under the pedals. Because they can move around, they could conceivably make your pedal contact less “sure”.
This truck’s condition and age make it NP without a doubt. The salvage title is unfortunate, but if the frame is straight and everything else is in order, it’s still NP.