
That would be called Jumping the Shark, and Supernatural had an actual episode titled, “Jumping the Shark.”

Actually, due to CRISPR, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cost of bioengineering had been drastically reduced last year.

I was wondering that as well, since it’s already difficult to apply just the right amount of pressure with a prosthetic hand to hold something without dropping or crushing it. Adding more strength would probably make it even harder to use the right amount, plus I’m not even sure what kind of power supply it has to

What’s not to get about you calling yourself stupid?

Yucca Mountain is actually really well made and would be perfect, but they never ended up using it. This mess has been an amateurish disaster from the start. People should have done prison time for this.

You’re a Kotaku reader who just insulted all Kotaku readers. Hence, you are also, “too stupid to realize that this is a blog site.”

You know you just insulted yourself.

How is the public going to be able to hold anyone accountable if there aren’t journalists to report when something horrible is happening? Their job is to give voices to the voiceless, and power to the powerless. It was always a social justice occupation, and I really doubt you work in it, so maybe take the word of the

Not if it’s an industry-wide problem, which this absolutely is. Leaving to work somewhere else only means they get treated just as badly by a different company, because there’s an endless ocean of programmers trying to get in, so they know they’re all replaceable, and if they don’t overwork their people, they’ll lose

It’s hilarious that you don’t see the contradiction between, “Don’t like your hours? Get a new job!” and “I rarely get as furious at any point during the day than when I visit this site” yet you still come here anyway. Don’t like it? Get a new site! Make your own! Because that’s a hell of a lot easier than game

Not VR headsets? That’s what I thought this whole thing was going to be about. VR headsets are the technology that will put theaters out of business. Combined with surround sound headphones, it’ll be bigger than any movie screen. It’ll take up your entire field of vision, if you want it to.

No need to attribute to karma was is adequately explained by causality.

It’s impossible enough that the regular batmobiles are able to get through the equivalent of Manhattan without hitting constant traffic everywhere. A huge SUV would stand even less chance of getting through such congested streets.

I thought he’d use a tablet.

You saved me having to post this myself! Most of the things Chris Sims has ever covered or posted belongs in this thread.

This is a tech site... aren’t most people here excited for VR? Comparing it to the ‘90s, when obviously the technology wasn’t ready, is silly. Display tech moves faster than almost any other technology, so clearly this is completely different, and it was already technically possible then.

What an odd statement for a

Most people have what’s called “furniture” which gets in the way. And if you want to walk literal miles to get around in a game, enjoy the exhaustion.

Normally, I roll my eyes at every sci-fi “robot overlords” comment, but when I was watching the guy with the hockey stick intentionally making it more difficult for the robot to pick up the box, I knew that some day, the robot’s AI will realize that the most efficient way to pick up the box is to eliminate the person

I thought it was completely forgettable. Did anyone see the script released online? You could read the whole thing. It was written like a high school paper.

Why won’t this guy and Anthony Weiner just get into Sex Addicts Anonymous already?! I swear they’re the only ones who don’t realize they have a serious problem. I mean, how much can you completely destroy an extremely promising career and life before that incredibly thick denial finally cracks?