
I think the worst part is that he says the exact same recording of the exact same line every time. Always the same line when the first civilian drops, then the same line every time the second person dies, and the same every time for the third. I don’t think I’ve lost more than three, but I assume it’s always the same

Yeah, we already covered that football does terrible damage to people, and college football in particular is known to pass students through classes without actually teaching them anything. None of that is related to MMA, which is much safer and not an educational institution. Professional fighters don’t suffer the

None of the things you tried to make analogies to were actually consensual, so there’s no connection. If there were long term consequences to MMA, we would have seen them years ago. People have been doing this for decades already in its current form. Thousands of years in general martial arts. Whatever personal issues

But “ill-advised” though?

I don’t enjoy fighting, but other people do, and are very good at it. I like to watch them, and they like to have an audience. MMA specifically is among the safest sports, statistically. It doesn’t have any of the brain damage scandals of football or the injuries and deaths of boxing because of the rules and referees.

I completely agree, especially since it so often triggers fights, then once again Dana White gets between them, smiling like he’s trying to defuse the situation that he just obviously intentionally caused. I don’t see why they can’t weigh them in privately, preferably when they show up at the arena the day of the

Except that it wasn’t “one cocksure second.” It was every second for the full round and a half of the entire fight. No one lucky shot by Holm or tragic mistake by Rousey. No fluke. Total domination.

Reading this after the fight is extremely hilarious. Is there any penalty for writing an article that ends up being so completely wrong?

And you only say that because you’re old. See? Works both ways. The main difference here is the US government was behind Apollo, while the Max Planck Institute is behind W7-X. If the dedication of resources was at the same level, I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken 19 year to build it, but this is a prototype, They’re

Aw, I thought you meant Creep from 2004! That’s one of my all-time favorites. Great idea for a setting.

I work at Yale, and we all got emails about that. There were multiple safety violations. For one, she was alone, and that was against the rules. Then, she was supposed to be wearing a hair net, and she wasn’t doing that either. I think there was also something not right about the machine, if I recall correctly. It was

I don’t care how normal he’s behaving or how nice he sounds when he speaks. If he shot his grandparents to death for no apparent reason, the kid ain’t normal. Even if they couldn’t try him as an adult, they should have been watching him very closely for the rest of his life after they let him out. Every time somebody

I’m hoping the events of the first game still happened, but the invasion force you stopped was only a scouting party, and a much larger force defeated you later. I did think it was a little hard to believe that we stopped their plans that easily.

I enjoyed their new motivation though, and I can’t wait to see what they

The Aztecs? So wait, we’re taking our moral standards from a society that frequently performed ritual human sacrifices? Who do we think we are? Modern people who aren’t limited by the backwards ethics of distant ancestors. Hopefully we’re a little more enlightened than that.

Wait, the end goal of torture being the involuntary retrieval of secret information, why not just use the neural net to steal the information right out of their brains, without any torture at all? This should make torture completely unnecessary, which it almost already is, unless your true motivation is just pure

I don’t imagine theaters will be around a whole lot longer. Like video stores, there’s only so long each type of place can last, once the experience can be done as well or better from home. But, with the right tech, you see and hear your friend next to you, if you want, while you’re both wearing headsets. At least I

The solar panels meant to feed the battery produce the power. You’re not as scientifically enlightened as you apparently like to think. Zero carbon compared to fossil fuels.

Is... is baby Jesus shooting Syphilis out of his hands onto those people? That’s... actually pretty metal.

Garfield's assassination, and the entire life of the psychotic narcissist who shot him, was all very well documented here, by professional comedians, to the delight of the crowd.…

The "hero" of the story killed a bunch of innocent people's kids just to make a point? I think you mean "villain."