
Novelty wears off. That sense of awe will fade, and soon all you're left with is what's more practical. Efficiency does not degrade like human interest.

Yeah, that is a missed opportunity. Shame they didn't.

My favorite part of all this is that it ends with the words "a fortnight." Awesome.

I rarely tolerate music, and I've been looking for a way to avoid eating since I was a kid. Almost nobody in my family listens to music, and they eat many of the same things almost every day, so it could have some genetic basis.

Run Mister Flibbles! RUN!

Windowsill or window sill, would have joined eventually. Otherwise, great stuff! I was a little sad that their names weren't silly, but the family name really nailed it.

Okay... I'm going to say the planet definitely looks like Jupiter, and the closest moon there might be Europa, everybody's favorite, since it could have life. So... there are many different ways to take this, most of which are more humor than drama.

Now playing

How do you "create" Batman? I don't think it's right to kill someone's parents just to try to make a vigilante.

Vacuum-powered wall-crawling is in the past, now. What about Geckskin? Now there's a Spider-Man suit.

I have always said that if someone played me to play video games, it would stop being fun. Guidance Counselors tend to ask what you do for fun, to base a career on that, and I always disagreed.

Exactly! Thank you. This is how I feel. I'm glad there are people on this planet who don't want to be miserable, and don't wish it on others, even fictional cartoon characters.

Screw that! Wait, does everyone not realize that sadness is a bad thing?! Sadness or anger is only emotional motivation for the characters to do whatever is necessary to get back to happiness. Making them sad and then keeping them there until death is just... unforgivably cruel sadism on the part of the writers. I've

Nobody bothers because caverns and forests are boring as Hell. Caverns have bats and fungus, forests have trees, deer, squirrels and wolves. There's nothing worth seeing out there that we didn't put there.

Because when he awoke from his "tomb" months after appearing to die in the fight with Doomsday, at the end of Reign of the Supermen, his time recuperating in that grave had grown his hair out... into a mullet. I really don't know why only the hair in the back grew long, but that's how it was in the comics.

Is this the magazine that published Lovecraft's stories, back then? The name sounds familiar, though I get it confused with old comic book titles some times.

But isn't that exactly the reason why we *shouldn't* bring them back? We worked so hard to wipe them out! In fact, when our own species almost went extinct 75,000 years ago, leading to our species having an unusually small genome today, the Neanderthals were the most likely reason we almost died out!

And yet, you are clearly doing the same thing. As soon as you brought your childhood into it, that made it obvious that you were projecting your own experiences onto the show, and taking this article personally because of your own bias. The author is not accusing you of anything, she's just writing about this show.

I did the same thing! Oh, why?! The comments section would only have even more spoilers!

This sounds amazing. Yes, the image was an unfortunate choice, even with the fleshy skin color, but this is great news. Mixed with a little nanotech delivery system, this could cure an enormous number of conditions, plus possibly every cancer, and then we start working on animal/human hybrids.

Right, evolution is observable only in the shortest-lived creatures. I've heard many times they use fruit flies in lab tests because their lifespans are so short, they can go through many generations in a short time, and actually adapt to changes.