The guy who forgot

I don’t think the review says anything that disputes that. On the contrary, the opening paragraph indeed says that subversive Westerns are, in multiple senses of the phrase, old hat. Just by naming the classic ideas that even contemporaries would be commenting on doesn’t undermine that idea; it in fact strengthens it

So smug. Hollywood has been making ‘revisionist’ Westerns since the mid-1950s, at least. Even earlier, you can find films that were sympathetic to Native Americans.

Don’t judge Westerns by the Saturday morning kiddie fare you were raised on. The genre’s been subversive for quite a long time now.

The original movie was pretty faithful to the books except for the revised happy ending. Other than that you’d pretty much be making the same film if you wanted to do it right.

I miss Fringe. I very rarely rewatch a show, because there’s so much to watch, but Fringe is near the top of my list. I DID buy Season 2 on blue ray a few years back for $20 and devoured it - commentaries and all. Right now I’m bingeing The Expanse, because I’ve heard so many rave reviews (all well earned so far) and

I don’t see how Gilliam has any choice but to hire another cast and crew and make the movie again.

Anyone else spend years and years not realizing that “Donkey Hodey” and “Don Quiksoat” were the same thing?

*giant cartoon foot stomps on Terry Gilliam*

BS. In France, they call the Court of Appeals a Royale with Appeals. Because of the metric system.

I would also like to issue a summons to you, Mr.Modus, for sinking my battleship.

Mmm-hmm. And what about this “France” place? Never heard of it.

As someone who would have put money in to this film, but had no money, and as such technically did not fund this film, I also demand the rights to The Man Who Killed Don Quixote!

What the fuck. This is ridiculous. The guy didn’t invest any money and thinks he deserves something?

Some days you tilt at the windmill and some days, well, the windmill falls on you.

Darlene was definitely one of the strongest parts of the new season, but the combo of her and Becky together was actually what worked best I thought. Life has kicked the shit out of both them in different ways, and they’ve made really bad choices on top of that. The episode Morgan Murphy wrote was probably the best of

Darlene was one of my first crushes when I was a prepubescent angst-machine, and I’ve mostly avoided the new show because of Roseanne so there’s a chance I’d tune into a Roseanne-less “Darelene Show.”

[Alarm bells ring in AMC as they struggle to find another person still willing to watch The Walking Dead.]

Are we pretending the last season of AHS didn’t happen, the true worst? Coven is my favorite season, I don’t care what anyone says!

allow me to disagree. murder house was not the best season, it was asylum. i also enjoyed the hotel season but i know hardly anyone agrees with me on that one. i will admit witches was the worst season.


Holy Fuck. When did Wonder Woman hook with the main character of Sons of Anarchy? (On the Derelict Engineers ship from Alien, no less).