The guy who forgot

It’s okay, I don’t remember your junior year of high school either.

It would have made a great sequel though.

I had to confirm I wasn’t a bot last night. FYI I’m a progressive lesbian activist on the platform so they are really only targeting people who are speaking out about the most marginalized people. Jack is an asshole and so are Zuck and Bezos.

Traditional animation is doing just fine in Japan and Europe, as well as on US television.

I’m saddened by the decline of 2D hand-drawn animation as well, but I don’t think it will ever completely disappear. Maybe for feature length american films, but theres plenty of traditional animation coming out of japan and other countries, and it still holds a large place in the world of television and cartoons,

He showed that adventure is still possible in so many ways.

This is such distressing, awful news. My whole family loved Anthony Bourdain. He truly changed the way we thought about food. This is just terribly sad.

Trank made a pretty solid, moderately unconventional superhero movie on a modest budget. He was a logical choice. It didn’t work, but still.

I’d rather watch him perform “Glycerine” in the rain at MTV Spring Break. Amazing video.

“I touch your mouth/my willy is food”

Yet another highly problematic example of cultural appropriation! This is undoubtedly the worst thing to come out of Woodstock ‘99!

Another possibility, maybe more straightforward, would be making her the subject of another Black Freighter story-within-a-story.

Snyder used the comic as storyboards, the only genuinely creative moment, the credits to The Times They Are A-Changing, was the best part of the movie.
I’m still with Moore on this one - Watchmen was a comic to challenge other to do things differently. Instead they copied it a million times. At least Lindeloff

Them Soggy Bottom Boys’ve had a rough time of it, riding the rails.

It’s as hot as Richard Pryor running down the street.