The guy who forgot

I think Langstreth and Coffman are still working together professionally, which is something. It’s too bad she’s (presumably) out of the band, because she made them a lot better.

Some of us are just here to look at the naked women.

It’s headers like that which reminds me you guys are owned by The Onion.

I suppose there are some countries where he can convince them he’s a successful man.

<blockquote>(We don’t know which specific c-word Freeman used.)</blockquote>

Seems to be a targeted series of racial attacks, though. Roots are definitely better off being safe than sorry.

The parts where JA - or that rollerskating guy Perry runs into - aren’t playing are pretty cringey.

Eric Avery is pretty solid too. Like a lot of bassists of his era he showboats a lot, but he’s got style.

Plus he was acting in person like people routinely do on the Internet, although that part just occurred to me today.

Also I liked that this episode got the best use in a long time out of Melissa, who I would have actually named as the MVP of the show, good as McKinnon and Strong were.

It looked like it was going to be a Get Out parody at first, but Brown grabbed the football and ran confidently in a whole other direction. Damn, I hope he comes back.

I think it was Beck, but the makeup only left a couple of features to go on.

I have to wonder why Twitter doesn’t allow the option of not allowing comments. I’m sure a lot of users would go for it.

L&O:CI always seemed like the most cerebral of the franchise, in that it was about getting into the suspects’ heads. That was interesting to me, and I was an especial fan of Goren and Eames, but it might be why the show had a shorter run than either the original or SVU.

Okay, so maybe we could use a little hateration/holleration in this dancerie.

Never have I seen a headline that needed less elaboration than this one.

Prager me? No, Prager U!

Someone thought bacon flavored vodka was a good idea, so madness has clearly gripped the land.

You beat me to it.

Say what you want about Roseanne Barr, she seems to get that a lot of her fans/fans of her old show are to the left of her, or for one reason or another don’t want to be hit over the head with the whole #MAGA thing. She’s been smart enough to not really politicize the return of her show along those lines.