The guy who forgot

I am this close to Googling to see if I can find the Klingon translation for “motherfucker.”

Point of order: isn’t it the MPAA who determine what rating a movie gets. Also, couldn’t all these beautiful beheadings and full-frontal scenes be cut after some focus group meeting? I mean, I can get why a GENIUS auteur like QT might think he’s bulletproof, but that doesn’t mean he is.

She looked like her DeBette Goldry character.

It didn’t necessarily have to be about profiling, since a lot of the shit Batman does actually is illegal, and the joke could be that a brother is just less likely to get away with it. But yeah, the cocaine was an unnecessary add and undermined the whole point.

I dunno, Hart’s Shaq just makes me miss Jay Pharoah. Yeah, outside Update, the pledge drive, and the Foos’ medley at the end this was pretty missable.

Complicating things is the fact that she’s Lebanese on her father’s side. Caucasian, maybe, but Middle Eastern, which is treated differently in many placesc.

The possibility of the biopics of Elon Musk and the Google guys being put into production alarms me. If the shortest route to movie production is making a moving shrine to the Silicon Valley billionaire who finances it our culture is sunk.

Also he can’t tell the difference between his gun and a spatula.

Yeah, I always find Weigel sharp and informative whether I agree with him or not.

He’s called for Weigel to lose his job for (allegedly) lying, so if irony’s not already dead he’s beating its head in with a shovel.

Yeah, I’m gonna wait until the drinking games come out, myself.

Man, I hope that other movie doesn’t need to make “interacting on social media” look cinematic.

The only Jimmy Dore I need is Jimmy Dore-ante, who’s at least got a million of ‘em.

Love that suit he’s wearing. Couldn’t pull it off myself. After a few days half of those wedding cake rose things would be gone.

They’re pissed that he’s defending a sexual predator from outside the company.

Sketches with company names in them are native advertising. If the company they’re advertising for doesn’t like what they see, that’s pretty much that. No reason to overthink this thing.

Bigmouth strike again. And again. Ad nauseum.

The Spacey movies I’ve liked haven’t really required me to like him as a person. I’m probably safe watching him as a prick office manager in Glengary Glen Ross or a weasel who turns out to be a supervillain in that other movie.

Yeah, I’m not allergic to cheesecake at all, but if Chibnall had decided his new female Doctor needed to wear a bustier it would have hurt my confidence in his vision.

Which could strike people as her protesting too much, so she can’t win.