The guy who forgot

That I’m not too worried about because they already have Weinstein, who’s a lot worse in himself and would be for the Clintons if you assume they were in any position to know about it, which much of the right does. Point is, as far as political mudslinging goes the Spacey thing won’t make much difference one way or

A good actor can make you feel like you know him, and Spacey’s very good. But we don’t know them, and who knows what goes on over on the other side of the glass? Rapp’s story is upsetting, and I have nothing to refute it with.

It’s fairly common for songwriters to sue over similar melodies, and I’ve heard of a few successes. But similar lyrics? That would be such a can of worms given how many people use the same words that I can’t see this case getting anywhere.

If CBS wants Discovery to reach a broad audience, I’m still stuck on why they’re not, you know, broadcasting it on CBS. Especially since the network has gotten bad press on the diversity front since that self-inflicted wound on the Hawaii 5-0 cast.

****So where does Camille Pisarro rank?