
You're both kind of oversimplifying the issue of Michael as the rapist. Firstly, the idea that if a man doesn't want sex he simply can't perform is the same reason people use to explain why men can never -be- raped. It's bullshit, and it's harmful. Disabuse yourself of that notion. The fact is that physical arousal

That seems revisionist. How I Met Your Mother was legit good for the first few seasons, and at that time no one had a hate on for Ted or Josh Radnor. He was a pretty decent lead for the most part, and had some charming romances. Then the show got worse and Ted started to suck, and people started to hate the actor for

Is it just me, or is it pretty clear that this (and like 95% of all discussion about Barb) is no longer a discussion about character on a tv show but rather a bunch of people being defensive about hangups left over from personal high school experiences on both sides of the argument? It's okay guys. You can party

This list is all well and good, someone needs to point out that this comparison is upsetting: "Swan Song is to The Stand what Terry Brooks’ The Sword Of Shannara is to Lord Of The Rings"

I think he owes her that much. If you sleep with someone. you owe them at the very -least- a proper brush-off. If he wasn't feeling it after their date and the way she blew off the party thing, he at least tells her it's not going to work out. He certainly doesn't gaslight her with the whole "I didn't do anything

Yeah, they boned and then he immediately started treating her like garbage. I mean, he ignores her all day and then acts like she's utterly crazy for showing up at a party he invited her to, and immediately sleeps with another woman. It was awful, textbook shitty guy stuff. It was shitty of her to insult his group

Nope. I can at most acknowledge that they are both pretty bad, and which is worse probably varies based on people's subjective standards and experiences. But as far as I'm concerned, Gus is in -no way- better than Mickey. He is the guy who -thinks- he is better and pats himself on the back for being great while

That sums it up pretty well. Sometimes people act different at different times! Especially when angry.

Yeah, that was tattoo guy's own fault. If you ask someone to tattoo you, give them no guidance, and specifically say to do it based on their personality, you are asking for trouble. Also, the sarcoma thing was funny. I would rather someone tattoo that on me in the above scenario (that I would never actually take

Well then just ignore me! I make that mistake a lot.

Slade Wilson, sure. Howard the Duck, that's a stretch. They have little in common but breaking the fourth wall, and people were doing that in plays in ancient Greece. A comic book character didn't invent it.

Not that I disagree—I love Logan Echolls—but it's funny how some ineffable thing about the presentation of a character can make that difference, because Logan Echolls objectively should have been -way- worse than Logan Huntzberger.

I mean Jess grew up, sure, but he wasn't in the show anymore at that point. It's not like she could just decide to run away with him. That's not stupidity or not taking a chance, it's being fictional and not having the choice to do things that aren't in the scope of the show.

Well, it's kind of true, if hyperbolic. Killing someone can accomplish something. Stealing certainly can. If you're doing it to survive, or for revenge, or for the greater good, or to defend yourself, or so on, those are all reasons people can understand. Particularly in fiction set in generally more lawless and

You know what's a real shame? That the conversation around Superman has come to a point where saying "Superman doesn't kill" about a character with a decades long history of being upstanding and inspirational and, you know, generally not killing folk, can be classified as just "throwing shade at Man of Steel". Can't

Man, gimme a break. This is fiction. It is okay to be see some assholes on TV get shot and not fall to your knees and rend your garments. They were set up as racist jerks, and when they died, it was kind of satisfying, like many, many other instances of that sort of scene in the history of stories. If it happened

You stopped liking a comic because one website posted about him too much? That is a strange way to manage your opinions.

Man I want to like this show but the dialogue is so bad. Just about every line is some incredibly cringey on the nose nonsense about believing in each other or whatever. And for me the actual words people are saying has to be (to assign a somewhat meaningless value) at least 50% of what makes a show worth watching,

I would certainly dig that, but as long as it's actually any good, I'm cool with live action too.

I got no problem with this. It works in the books, but it would be very difficult to pull off well in a visual medium without just looking janky and weird, especially on a budget. As long as the cultural differences are there and we're shown people being shitty to each other, I think we'll all get the point. Humans