
This is the thing that bothers me most about the Superman/Batman comparison—it's so often reduced to "Superman can do anything and Batman has to struggle," and then in nearly same breath people will say "also Batman can beat him in a fight because he always has a -plan- that works perfectly and never fails". They are

Man, the fanbase hyperbole about Steven Universe being like, so emotional and sad it will destroy you is bizarre. I adore the show, but come on. It hits emotional beats well, certainly, and has it's share of pathos, but it is fundamentally pretty hopeful. It's about a little dude who loves everyone, a supportive

I like this show, and I want to like it more, but man, them not telling Major at this point is kind of making me hate Liv and Ravi. It is morally unconscionable to let the man truly and wholly believe he is -losing his mind- rather than tell him the truth. When he learns they did that, I hope he never speaks to them

I mean, Drew is a little bitch, no doubt. But Natalie also did the whole "no relationship please" and got (reasonably) mad at him for being jealous that she was seeing other guys, and at first he was like okay, I'm looking for more, and they sort of parted respectfully. Then she went and got all jealous at him when

Friday Night Lights isn't 'about' football. That's the mistake that keeps a lot people from watching a great show. It's about like, -life-. I have literally no interest in football at all and once thought as you do, but it is now one of my favorite shows.