Benguin the Albatross

Her boobs might have been terrorists.

@Lovick: Ah, I didn't catch that part.

But did you really need to kill the hooker too?

Now the only problem is finding two actual floppy disks...

I got Textropolis last time it went on sale. Lots of fun. Definitely recommend it.

@Limbero: Well it is, but I like to be different you see.

Intruiging, but how to I press "A B select start?"

That's like liking the Yankees for no other reason than because it's the Yankees.

I'd like to point out that removing the bottom piece is easier said than done. At least in my case with the original first gen dock, the metal weight was attached to the white part and seemed to be screwed on or something. Removing it cleanly proved nigh impossible.

It's like listening to a sedated Invader Zim.

@burnSun: ...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy.

Fantastic. I probably won't make many since Lego is so expensive, but at least one is definitely doing on my tree this year.

But do they throw stones?

@hollohill: Exactly. It's absolute crap that their statement includes the line "the only network dedicated to today's web-inspired, tech-savvy, gamer lifestyle."

@JWilson018: Admittedly, Ninja Warrior is a pretty good show. Probably the only new show to be added to the programming block that's worth a damn.

And nothing of value of lost.

And if you thought scaled up to iPad size looked like shit...

Finally got around to registering a domain name. Don't really have anything to do with it though, so I guess I'll just forward it to my Facebook until I set up a proper site.