Benguin the Albatross

Unfortunately, this means you're heavier than you think you are.

You're gonna regret this when the zombies come. Just saying.

I've been saying for awhile that RoboCop needs a reboot. C'mon kid, let's make this happen.

@rtanger: I think I'm not getting my point across clear enough. The on-screen alert is still going to be red, or blue, or whatever. Your brain already knows what that means so you'll react appropriately. It'd be the same as playing in the dark or with your hands under a blanket. Like I said, it'll only be the novices

@adam.sowers: I actually have come across a disc or two that handbrake couldn't handle. So I just used Mactheripper first then Handbrake.

@prestonspark: I really doubt anybody is going to be changing the color of their on-screen displays based on this controller. But again, I'm going to point out that you're not actually looking at your hands. My brain still knows that the yellow button is the top one, green is the bottom, and so on. My thumb can't tell

It's times like this when I don't particularly WANT the game so much (Pacman), but can't pass up a good sale like that.

I don't like the monochrome buttons. Not that I think they particularly matter like some people do (seriously, are you looking at the controller while you're playing? Your brain remembers where they are, regardles of color). They just don't look as good, IMO.

Ooh la la, Astroglide.

I'd like to know what Orphic has to say about this.

I have to hand it to him for remaining so calm and collected during that whole thing. I wouldn't have been able to hold it together and articulate myself properly. Go him.

It's so bad.

You fight like a Bantha herder!

I thought we covered this over a year ago.

Audi was the only one I got at a glance.

As if I didn't already have enough reasons to hate Kanye West.

I think in the last update to the iPhone version they made all the worlds available form the start (maybe you had to beat the first one, I dunno), but you had to unlock each level as normal.

Holy shit I didn't realize this was coming out so soon. I'm so sad because I don't have any money. :(

"Sorry to hear about your diabetes. I got you a present to cheer you up."