Benguin the Albatross

I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but I'm confident that the lackluster response had less to do with your topic and more to do with the new design of the site driving people away. I know I'm down from visiting several times a day to a few times a week.

And they're all derivative of Scorched Earth.

Wow. Minor differences or not, what an unabashed rip-off of Angry Birds. The title screen is even exactly the same.

Exactly. It's an interesting exercise, but misleading. That's like taking a bunch of pictures of people's faces, only keeping the ones that look alike, and saying "All people look the same."

Ninjago sucks. It would be fine if it wasn't for all the stupid skeleton motorcycles and shit.

So you're telling me Spider-Man was a lie?

I hate everything about this article, but I laughed.

Seriously, Gizmodo? In the midst of this redesign fiasco, THIS is how you try to keep readers who were on the fence about sticking around? This is fucking ridiculous.

I didn't get a text... What bullshit.

Tell me how your zip code is in any way endangering your privacy. Depending on your area, a zip code is fucking huge. Nobody is going to track you down because they know the extremely vague area where you live.

Except MegaBloks are shitty.

I suppose this would be a good time to share my Master Chief minifig.

Whenever I hear about these things, I think of a review I did for a Japanese Beyblade game some seven years ago for a GBA site I worked for.

That's pretty cruel. But I guess it teaches them their lesson.

Sounds like someone STILL doesn't understand what the internet is.

It's like parkour as applied to sitting down.