How much longer is Larry Sanders’ Bonilla’ed contract on the books for?
How much longer is Larry Sanders’ Bonilla’ed contract on the books for?
Aw man, give Titus a break. He’s just trying to hang out with Hornswoggle again.
“Destroyed” doesn’t necessarily mean acquired - Vince put plenty of viable wrestling companies out of business without buying them. In a reasonably short time, for example, WWF poached Ventura, Hogan, Heenan, Okerlund, Richter, Hennig, and Michaels from the AWA - that’s seven Hall of Famers taken from one territory in…
Outing her to an ex with highly dangerous tendencies? Yeah, even in the stakes of the show, I think it would have been very inappropriate for Jake or Boyle to mention that to Pimento.
Who do you think was this year’s Keith Lee? I’m thinking it’s gotta be Starr, right?
Without being too overt, Ian seemed to hint at the nature of Kenny and Ibushi’s relationship a few times on commentary during both of their matches. I can’t imagine a world in which Ian Riccaboni goes rogue and addresses that angle without it being discussed/cleared/approved by ROH higher-ups.
I love and have no problem with plain spinach, and eat it all the time. I’m not a smoothie guy, so I’m having a hard time picturing myself enjoying spinach blended with berries, rather than both separate.
Giri Nathan: Does Not Support TMNT Rights
Berry...and spinach?
Huh? Bogues barely averaged 8 and 8 during his own prime, and he was a god-awful shooter, which matters more now, plus assists are awarded less today than they were while Bogues was playing. You’re both wrong AND I have no idea what kind of point you’re attempting to make with your wrong analysis.
Offside was the correct call. The rule is that two defending players need to be between the attacker and the goal line - usually the keeper stays near the line so it’s just a matter of watching the deepest-lying defender, but it’s still two guys behind the attacker. Karius was way out punching the ball, so when it…
Awww, look at cute little E’twaun Moore thinking that lob might be for him at first!
If Nick Williams wants to be in the lineup every day, he should try getting on base every once in a while.
I think you’d have to prefer being 7 to 6 regardless of which team takes the 3 seed.
Unfortunately, they don’t have the shooting to put Melo in the post, high or low - at least not holding onto the bal there as a main fulcrum of the offense. They’ll always have at least two or three of Westbrook/Adams/Brewer/Grant on the floor at the same time, and defenses would pack the paint and smother him from…
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it (I also have “Whatever It Takes, Dude” on VHS, because duh), but didn’t Kruk and Larry Anderson build a keg area out of a ventilation shaft or something similarly, ridiculously ‘93 Phillies-like?
Kawhi isn’t a free agent this summer, that’s 2019. Besides LeBron and PG, the Sixers should (and probably will) stay out of the high-end FA market this year.
LeBron is definitely on the list of best NBA coaches. As a lifelong Sixers fan, I absolutely LOVE Brown, and think he’s an incredible teacher and motivator. I’m still iffy on him as a tactician though, and was actually just texting a friend this morning saying that I’m hesitant to put him in the upper ranks of coaches…
I’m not sure what other options, if any, you guys had at the time, but I bet Riley could have found a better way to spend $100 million.