
Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sometimes, it’s too crowded for my liking.

“What a precious, entitled, vacuous tool that guy is.” That’s beautiful! You nailed his sorry ass!

I think it wasn’t that great, except for the drones and killing bits, and the Zodiac Killer. Like, the world knows now. Apart from that, too many one liners, not enough build. Not surprising that no one laughed, a white crowd fangirling on Obama isn’t the best place to make those jokes. As the Guardian reflected

This is probably the only shot from today’s draft that didn’t have 15,000 Marines or a bunch of youth league players who ain’t afraid of no concussions behind them.


Yeah I dont understand this at all.

Man he really kept that going for a solid 4 minutes. I thought it was just going to be the intro and maybe for the predators recap. But nope - he stuck with that lame bit the entire time. Kind of impressive.

There is nothing wrong with that sports report. I thought it was rather clever. Or at least as clever as a sports reporter in Chattanooga is going to get. And it was not disrespectful. He wasn’t making fun of Prince. And why fire the guy? What about a suspension? There’s more going on here than meets the eye.

Dan Phillips’ thoughts as he put together the segment on April 21: “This is going to be epic. This is going to be awesome. This is going to go viral, and I’m finally going to be able to get off the Fox affiliate of this podunk backwater full of phony wannabe cowboys from Des Moines who waste their lives trying to come

Nice try NSA PR guy.

Better than beyonce.

All choices have consequences.

I can’t say that I thought hilarious was a great word choice.

As is only fitting and proper for inhabitants of Mote Prime.

I don’t think he understood that what he said might come off as vaguely sexual. You see, on his planet, one procreates by exchanging protein streams through one’s tentacles.

Lying down with your back on a mat is standard Ted Cruz dating protocol. The ballgag is implied, not explicitly mentioned (plausible deniability).

This in no way contradicts my writing. I called out that the dude shouldn’t have gotten into it with the riders and I agree that drivers shouldn’t get upset or respond when a bike passes them doing something they dont like.


You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of