
I’m at the stage where I just assume that every single one at the olympics is doped in one form or another, regardless of nationality. Some are just better at staying ahead of the current drug ban list.

A mayonnaise sandwich on white bread is more interesting than this guy.

However, she is not Trump, who wants to create a police state to continue to profile and brutalize my people, and he is not Pence, who wants to control every aspect of my uterus and keep teh gays in the closet.

So, I’ll hand them my vote in November

Women who would support Trump likely have some disposable income so that isn’t that crazy. “Women like shopping” is as big a stereotype as “Men like sports”, it’s fairly accurate and most people wouldn’t be offended by it unless you were looking to be offended.

D’oh Canada

Way to exclude the handless blind population, you insensitive bastard.

I don’t think he’s their buddy, guy.

The Tenors’ statement: “3 of us matter”

I think I’m gonna need more bears here.

What’s important is you buy some sunglasses

It’s a gorgeous computer-animated narrative about what happens when one leaf-cutter ant decides to follow his heart and abandon his colony. And maybe it applies to my life a little too much.

So, I mean it was fine... but at what point were you sad? He just bails and goes surfing. Honestly, I would think ‘Jealous’ before “Sad’.

If we’re wishing (to put this in perspective, I am super cheap) I would pay $200 to see President Obama debate Donald Trump.

I can’t see a downside. Bernie is a pro, and he’ll dismantle Trump piece by tiny piece. Upside for the Dems, a much more public version of Elizabeth Warren’s Twitter war with El Drumpfo. If, by some longshot, Bernie became the nominee, he’ll have already embarrassed the Donald on a national stage. If the more likely

I don’t know whether or not I agree with this. Obviously Bill is human garbage, but I’m not sold on Camille.

Is that like what Hillary is accused of?

People who resell shit at absurd markups are the worst. Broadway tickets, limited clothing releases, when new Nike’s drop, etc...

They care because of the Superbowl in 2017. The entire dispute is over how long and convoluted the fingerprinting process is. I spoke to one of my Uber drivers recently and she said the main problem isn’t down to the fingerprint requirements but to the really small list of places that the city accepts fingerprint

We should go back to living in caves while we’re at it...