
Who didn’t want the Russians to have blankets? Is it duvet only ? Is it just the Russians? Confusing.

Fuck all that. Bring on the swimming, judo, boxing, pole vault, marathon, sailing, diving, biking, GYMNASTICS ..... Can’t wait.

That’s Mexico. Russia would only be in the low 100s. But I like it as the title for an episode.

They have less practice.

I would watch that.

I would substitute “spend on venues” for “sustained large scale corruption”. Yes. That reads better.

I would happily cry for them, if I was sitting on the Copacabana. I would make the sacrifice, because that’s the kind of guy I am.

Not HUGE. Easier would be a better description and probably compulsory.

Especially if you’re Catholic and/or Jewish or god forbid both.

He could have made it to garbage island and drifted forever.

13:20 6/7/16 GMT - Nothing happening. I think I saw a tree fall, but I didn’t here anything. No bears.

Of course your not. You’re the ass hole interviewing the people who over reacted. How much did the Clinton organisation pay you for this? Nothing? Maybe you can do a Clinton after the fact and victory lap some money from one of their good friends. You up for that? Money is money.

What nail would that be? Bitchy?

DOH !!

It is emerging that this was a mock device left after a police “terrorist” training exercise last week. You might recall the groveling apology by the Manchester PR guy for yelling Allah Akhbar before fake blowing himself up. The British are a very repressed lot.

What Lyft and Uber did makes no sense to me. Is their collusion even legal? Assuming that’s ok why would they object to their employees (sorry. contractors) getting fingerprinted? Were their operations losing money? Is this a weird way of dumping all of their employees (sorry. contractors)? It seems an absurd over

The purpose of IDing the cars is to be able to harass them. If it is legal for a regular driver to drop off and collect at a certain place, why would it be any different for an Uber driver? The purpose of the referendum is to protect the likes of Uber and Lyft, because damn sure the government will not. They get paid

I think you are naive. Why would the city care? Their biggest complaint is that they are being cut out of revenue in the form of fees/taxes. Texas has shown time and again that they have no fucks to give when it comes to their citizens. I don’t understand either why Uber would worry about finger print IDs. I would

I think it allows police to identify the drivers, so they can enforce the regulations and/or harass them.

They look suspiciously like teens. They also look like women. WTF? Women at the academy? This could be some sort of Buffy moment. An investigation is in order. Women?