
@TheAlmeida: I was going to write a long detailed comment to tell you why you're out of your mind to think that Uncharted is like a Michael Bay movie, but it pretty much echoed everything that other people have said. So I'll just say, you're out of your mind, and leave it at that.

This is great, and I'm glad it helps this kid out.

Someone likes the iPhone4 just a biiiiiiit too much, I think.

I LOL'd when R2 shot the TV. Good stuff.

@Neopolis: I'll admit I was mildly entertained by Avatar. It's no masterpiece or anything, but to insinuate that it doesn't deserve to be called a 'film' is a bit overboard, don't you think? Clearly a lot of time and effort went into making it... even if it doesn't have the most original story or the best acting

@Neopolis: You mean that you don't care about? Nearly $3 billion in worldwide box office clearly means that someone cares.

@Decad3nce: Your comment makes this article worthwhile. Thanks.

Uh... I clicked on this article to hopefully get some more insight on the Android Market, but it turns out that there was no article. Looks like this is just a troll for comments and a chance to bitchslap Android.

Gamestop has a lifetime ban from me. Not even saving kittens will get me to lift it.

@Tabarnaco: Thank you so much for your insightful reply. Now go away.

But the real question is.... can the new OSX protect me from porn?

@mcderek3000: I don't disagree. Games should first and foremost, have good gameplay/story/art design, like you mentioned. However, I don't believe that the Wii/DS encourages this, as evidenced by the mountain of shovelware available for both systems. This is not to say the the 360/PS3 don't also have crap games,

@Tabarnaco: I did say why they are inferior. I'm not gonna type it all again, so go back and read.

@Aquasol: So with the cost of development on visuals rising so high, and the threat of being left in homogenized soup, Nintendo decided to pause, let visuals take a backseat, and instead focus on a system that wouldn't need so many sacrifices and costly little tricks to get the system to work, and most importantly,

@Aquasol: Not a chance. I'll take the PS2's visuals over the Wii or DS anyday. And the PS2 has the most inferior visual of last gen? You're gonna have to explain that one to me. What systems are you comparing it to? Neither the original XBox or Gamecube had visuals that were better than the PS2. And since the

@HolyDaedalus: By "tools", you mean motion gaming? I agree that they did give that to developers. They hardly pioneered the idea... motion gaming had been tried many times before. However, they did find a way to make it popular and, for a brief time, they had the world fooled that they had made a revolutionary

@GohanEgret: No, no one is forcing them to develop for those systems. You're right and I don't think that either. The DS is hugely popular in Japan (popular here in the US too, but nowhere near the level of Japan fanaticism), so they're clearly aiming for a specific target audience. Obviously their games have done