You mean people don't want a $200 paperweight? Get right out of town!
You mean people don't want a $200 paperweight? Get right out of town!
Why the exclamation mark in the headline? "Netflix Streaming-Only Plan Is Here!"? I just don't think it's that exciting. The selection for "Watch Instantly" is pretty lacking unless you're really into watching TV seasons... but then again, you don't need Netflix for that.
OK, that's pretty cool. But I don't really see it competing with the 3DS unless they also start making external controllers for the iPhone. As it is you could only have games that are controlled by the motion sensor, since there's no way to touch the screen with the thing attached.
I think Kevin Butler said it best...
This is fine for social messages, but there's no way I'd want to perform business messaging through Facebook. So... thanks, but no thanks.
@Gators15: I wasn't taking a shot at Gorillaz. I was just taking a shot at the "recorded on an iPad" thing.
What's that I hear? Why, it's the sweet dulcet tones of silly media stunt!
No thanks. I have a Facebook account, of course, but I'd rather not spend more time with it than I already do. Gmail gets the job done for me, and my email address is already well-established amongst the people I regularly communicate with. I see no reason to change.
My girlfriend and I cook at home to the tune of about $150/wk. That's about $10.71 per meal. We also get our groceries delivered and order mostly organic vegetables and always grass-fed/antibiotic-free meats. If we were a little less picky (and/or actually went to the grocery store to shop) it would cost maybe 3/4…
6. Provide helmets and possibly other protective gear.
@karoc: I was only pointing out that you can't bring PC specs into a conversation about consoles. But yeah, the HD comment was a silly one, I realize.
@Aquasol: You make good arguments, and I'll agree with you. My HD comment was definitely off base, and I've already conceded to the "it's in the same gen based on time period alone" point... fine, that's just semantics really. Despite all of that, the reviewer has every right to blame the game's lackluster look and…
@Ueziel: Well, I hate the Wii. Absolutely true. I wouldn't say I'm anti-Nintendo. I had an NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy and GBA, and I loved all of them. I find the Wii to be gimmicky and not fun to play, and part of it is because of everything I've mentioned.
@karoc: Oh please. Let's not get into the console vs. PC thing. Of course a PC is more powerful. Do you have a 2560x1600 TV or do you plug your gaming console into your PC monitor? I didn't think so.
@Ueziel: I'm not discounting an entire system at all. I acknowledge it's popularity and that it is capable of having good games. All I'm saying is that it quite clearly has previous-gen technology driving it, and thus I find it perfectly reasonable to label it as such.
@gurfinki: Sorry, but motion controls (which were tried many times in different formats before the Wii) do not make a current-gen console. Lack of HD graphics alone makes the Wii worthy of the previous-gen moniker. I agree that games should be primarily reviewed on content, but it's simply disingenuous to say that…
Hope all that money isn't spent yet, because right now when I hear "Kinect" I think, "Dear God, please don't let this be the future of video games."
@carpe_k9006: While I wouldn't argue against such an update,
@Chris Porto: I'm a self-professed FF fanboy. I've played FFXIV. I
Not only do I doubt this type of advertising will lure in any new Move buyers, it makes me want to return mine. WTF is wrong with your marketing people, Sony?