
@HolyDaedalus: Underpowered hardware, forcing developers to dumb down games. It encourages the mountain of crapware that plagues Nintendo systems. You have to wade through a veritable swamp of useless games to get to a few good ones that could be 10x better on a more powerful system.

@Ace: Fair enough. What's your definition?

@AndrewRyan: "Troll" is such a misused term. I'm not begging for anyone to respond to my comment. I'm merely giving my opinion. Just because you don't like my opinion doesn't make me a troll. If anything, GamerKT is the "troll" here. His comment serves no purpose other than try and get a rise out of me. I'm

This is why I hate Nintendo. The Wii and the DS encourage good developers to waste time on crappy systems. You can call them "old school" if you want. I call it a step backward in gaming. Level 5 is capable of great games, and all they can muster up at a major press event is this junk? Fail.

Those charts are the most meaningless things ever. I agree that Android has some problems, but what you've posted here is extremely misleading and quite frankly, just plain wrong.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really enjoyed FF13. I was hesitant at first because of the linearity and forcing you to play certain characters, etc. But I honestly think it just took some getting used to. I came to love the fast-paced battle... the performance ranking system made you really want to find the

Cool stunt, but that song could stand to be at least 1 min shorter.

@A.W.E.S.O.M.-O: Maggots are a delicacy in some parts of the world. I doubt the same thing applies to arsenic.... but... yeah.

Judging by the comments, I'm not the only one that doesn't get why this is "inspiring". Looks to me like someone just had too much free time on their hands.

Still on a touchscreen. Still no real buttons. Still no thanks.

@judacris: Good thing you didn't go to see Equus then....

"...Apple TV is now looking dated."

I'm curious to know what happened to you that inspired you to write this article? It seems very defensive.

@xido: "Where's FIFA 11 on android???"

First this: "... seems that it would apply not just to Motorola but to any manufacturer with an Android offering."

@xido: Meh... ok, so the graphics are mildly impressive for the hardware. That still doesn't make me want to actually play games on the thing. But don't get me wrong, I feel the same way about gaming on Android. 99% of games on a touchscreen suck, and always will. iPhone/Android games are good for a trip to the toilet

The iPhone. Pushing gaming to the limits... of 2006.

@Elliuotatar: Root it, install FlyX (custom ROM) and SetCPU from the Market. More than doubled my battery life. It lasts longer than my iPhone ever did, and I leave wireless, GPS and Bluetooth on almost 100% of the time. I can go 3 days without charging.

@RT100: No. Just like their burgers.

@torres546: LOL @ "with a face". Way to go on affirming my disdain for preachy vegetarians. I'm going to Five Guys for a cheeseburger now.