I got as far as "my laptop replacement" then I stopped reading.
I got as far as "my laptop replacement" then I stopped reading.
Douchebaggery aside, this guy was certainly within his rights to film the girl. The crew taking the pictures are probably acting outside of the law, since they likely didn't have a license to do what they were doing. The cyclist is practically assaulting the douchebag with the camera... I'm not sure but it might…
I read this just find out why anyone would really care that Blockbuster is going away. I don't think I've used a Blockbuster in at least 8 years, and I've rarely even seen one... perhaps I've blocked them from my mind.
Well... it's a stupid commercial, for sure. But to say that they intentionally made it look like the photo above is a bit of a stretch, I think.
It's sounding more and more like Apple's next media event might be the perfect cure for my insomnia. No prescription required!
@FrankenPC:"Strange how you interpreted my sentence."
@Lizard_King: Fair enough. I have also used many high-end earphones including $2500 in-ear monitors and the monitors are the only earphones I can think of that beat the hf2/er6/etc line by Etymotic. In my experience, people that say they get no bass just don't have them fit in their ears correctly. Sorry if I…
@Lizard_King: If you had no bass wearing Etymotic earphones then you weren't using them right. I have the hf2 headset+earphones and I will never use another brand ever again.
@trickybuz93: I think you're mistaking "play" with "own". I'd wager about 50% of Wii owners use them as paperweights or dust collectors.
@trickybuz93: People still play the Wii?
Wow. This might actually be the dumbest thing I've ever read. Not through the fault of Giz, but the idea of area code being a status symbol... that is, as the kids say, hella-lame.
@atrus123: Ah yeah, I forgot about Big Love. That is a good show, although I found it a bit boring this season.
@sambone: "almost"? That's not a very confident endorsement....
@D0GG: Well True Blood is HBO's only major selling point at the moment. None of their other series really interest me right now. Entourage hasn't been funny since season 2, and The Pacific will be coming to BluRay soon. In fact I feel like most of the other pay networks have matched, if not surpassed, the quality…
If they weren't using True Blood to push this idea, I might be interested... but seeing as that show turned offensively stupid in the latter half of the second season, I could really care less about anything that TB is used to promote.
@ian.g.case: I'm not talking about 1080p being "True HD". That is a silly concept, especially since no one except Discovery actually produces programming in 1080p. I'm talking about Apple trying to redefine HD standards. By your logic, Apple could start releasing 1024x768 TVs and you'd be ok with that. Well, sorry…
Until Apple acknowledges that true HD is actually important (none of that iPad HD app bullshit), I hope they stay away from the TV market altogether, whether it be an actual TV or just a device I plug into my existing TV. Also, they'd better come up with something a little more exciting than just homescreens with 4…
@yanipheonu: Well, since the very first PSP is still more fun to play games on than it ever will be to play touchscreen games, maybe a new marketing campaign is all it needs.
@OMG! Toast!: "It's a good way to pass time."
@Paradise: A fair point... and I'd really like to see that chart. Giz, why don't you get on that? Be sure to credit Paradise when you do.