
Pretty sure Cuomo could drop trou on live camera, do his version of the ‘Naughty Helicopter’, and CNN would still have him on the next night.

The best trainwrecks are when 2 trains go at each other.

The Nancy Drew Stories really took a slide when Harriet Adams died, IMHO.

Hear Hear....a great injustice to leave out my fave: Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy!

A Florida high school has digitally altered the yearbook photos of at least 80 girls to cover up their chests and shoulders.

Yea....I know.

TOTALLY crossed my mind about Demi. It’s been a nonstop thing for the past year to show up at least 2 times a month with some kind of new revelation pertaining to status, mental health, etc. It’s like great but man, they are running low on options.

A douchebag who has made a name for himself screaming memes during demonstrations and dressing like your drunken dad during the Indian Jamboree at your cub scout group calls all his idiot friends ‘retarded’ for doing exactly the same shit he did for the past 2 years (on film! Multiple times!)

Ok now you announced it.....SHUT THE FUCK UP.  No press tours, no slap happy ‘associate’ making stupid statements to a frothing Don Lemon....nothing.

Caught this the other day. They have some hidden mic/camera shit that will make you creepy spidey sense tingle in disgust. The guy is an absolute skeever and has that patented ‘rat face’ like smile you seem to find with these pervs.

“She called me deplorable....gonna vote this clownshoe in now because being the inbred backwater moron I am, he is totally like me and will take care of us despite the decades of proving he won’t and will never give a shit about anyone but himself.”

Also trying their best to make EV owners eat shit with a nice 400 buck annually on them for wanting to reduce their carbon footprint apparently.

If you get the chance, I would recommend the 2019 Halston Documentary on Prime. It’s a good look at the guy without abject devotion to his talent. It avoided the cocaine fueled tantrums but definitely didn’t paint him as a saint either (though honestly it could and should have gone there).

Bit of a space filler....kinda like an uglier Joey with bad writers. Plus he was WAY overshadowed by the genius of Phil Hartman, Dave Foley, and Stephen Root.

Independent thought against the party line? Individual GOP members with a moral compass and willing to stand up for them?

Has he learned his lesson yet Sus?  Fucking asslicker.

Welcome to Part 341 of our never ending documentary on “Just because a shitbag like Donald Trump seems to get away with it doesn’t mean your dumb ass will.

I think I have a solution for now: