
She is uniquely LA in a way it’s hard to explain. I hung out and worked around some of the places she showed up around and she is famous in a way that kinda defines LA - no real substance and a lot of filler to make it look marginally good on the outside.

You take this star and be ashamed of yourself for making me snort.

I’ll let them know to pack it up and move on.

Forgot to mention Adam Neumann’s absolutely ding dong wife Rebekah who was this nutty new-ager and tried to instill her own branding and rules on their workforce - which included getting mad over people eating meat (but not enough to bring the hammer down on her husband). She also loved fostering toxic work cultures

Agreed, you got to wonder if she had to tell Kanye to stop staring at himself in the mirror once in a while.

It’s not the tool as a rule but the motion of the ocean, IMHO.

It’s probably a little of column A and a little of column B. He seems like a fun guy, self depreciating, obviously enjoys a good time, acknowledging of his strengths and weaknesses, and has an extreme dry wit.

Now now, don’t go appending identities to those you don’t know personally.

Oh you sweet summer child….

I dunno….word is he suffers from John Holmes-itis. Skinny, lanky ass dude with a donger that could sub in for the clanger of the Liberty Bell.

Dude I have heard about the Crunchy Double since it was a nugget cheeseburger made by my friend Travis when I was like 11 in Little League.

Good stuff. I would have put the car stuff a bit earlier but then again, my dad was a gear head so I knew everything from how to use a timing light to what wires to strip to hotwire a car (no not for thievery) by 11.

I am just fanning the air with my open hand really fast and your face keeps somehow getting in the way.

I am a man of simple pleasures.

In the words of Dr Evil:  How about NO?!?!

It was total clownshoes from the beginning and it’s only by the grace of God that Culley managed to wring what little talent there was and come back with those stats at the end. McNair knew the deal was loaded from the start.

Hahah. You think I meant to suggest Trump stop lying? Oh please.

You would think that someone would have told Trump that his ‘all the people’ and ‘many people’ and ‘tons of people’ he frequently mentions backing up his bullshit is known to literally everyone as a bat-signal beacon that spells out ‘No one is saying this and I’m am lying’ by now.