
Also, we know it’s your favorite thread, we know you wait all year for this, we all do; let’s just tell some stories.

Is his room next to the bathroom in a bar or a hotel?

What’s this from? I love him in the Wet Hot American Summer series.

We didn’t spend 90% of our waking hours taking selfies and endlessly “curating” our online presences. I think that removed a lot of pressure in many ways.

I would say they were an important part of the book. The scene where Camille follows Amma to the slaughterhouse was in the book, but as mentioned, the scene with KC and the pig head was not.

Actually TWO Parks and Rec references: Max’s dad is the leader of the Reasonable-ists, in the “End of the World” episode, when Entertainment 720 has their blow-out party, and right before Leslie and Ben get back together.

I was more of a PJ Harvey girl than an Alanis girl, but these days I have more fondness for her music than I did then (nostalgia!). That concert sounds awesome. Trans visibility and acceptance IS rising. There was a trans boy at my niece’s public grammar school a few years ago (in South Jersey, nowhere super

These are all good points! And, there is such a spectrum of trans-women and how they present themselves — and not all are traditionally “feminine”.

I was going to bring up Sunny too. The transphobia is the butt of the joke (as are the racist behaviors, homophobic behaviors, and sexist behaviors), and Carmen’s overall arc is great because she always knows who she is and is completely comfortable and confident in her own skin. It’s Mac (and in the beginning, the

Can we get rid of those ugly toeless boots while we’re at it? Those are so gross-looking.

The father-son relationship is really the heart of the story.

We’re just burning through nap time, aren’t we!

Thank you for sharing that! Very cool.

GRP is pretty awesome. I’ll play again at some point. Right now my extra time goes to my literary group. :)

No, I haven’t played in years. I taught guitar with Girls Rock Philly summer camp for a few years, but that’s about it. You?

I’m pretty jealous you saw her at the Khyber. You know it’s a fancy restaurant now right? (Not that I would be able to bring myself to eat there, having played the original dirty venue.)

She already had a book deal before she died.

If it’s Sudeikis, that would be kind of weird, because they are on Last Man on Earth together.

There is a new season of Queer Eye on Netflix, with a new team, and it is truly wonderful. Highly recommend!

I will *throw* their iPhone into the sea. ;)