
+1 Reality check.

There’s nothing tacky about getting money, and you’ll get cash gifts anyhow if you don’t ask for stuff on a registry (or if you follow Dorothy’s advice and let your moms know you really need it).

In some shrinking pockets of our country, yes, I believe it still works that way!

I cannot resist mentioning the perfectly comical “Dear Friend or Relative” message I got around the second week of December:

Actually, the press statement is from the company, and it is quite a bit better than the above Cher excerpt would suggest.

+1 Nice touch.

Yep, I can imagine that getting others to engage could have been a motivation.

Vanity =/= Charity

+1 Now that would be real charity, free of PR motives.

And they never thought of thinking of themselves at all.

All available champagne has been acquired by distributor Anheuser-Busch and Caring Cher’s infinitely altruistic PR nonprofit to celebrate the enormous publicity pop they’re harvesting from this inexpensive gesture.

Good girl

But you needed balls to play.


Could’ve popped bennies.

Hmm. Where don’t they abound? Maybe Antarctica, but only because there’s no major money. But definitely shady.

That’s quite a run.

Gilbert & Sullivan?

+1 Grammar

Couldn’t it be offered for some other purpose other than proving that particular crime or showing Cosby’s bad character, like showing his access to quaaludes or his common plan or pattern of drugging victims?