
Hint: Her full name is I. Wanda Handjob.

She has a bacon line in the wings.

Like my mom, Wanda Handjob?

Still, great to get paid for throne time!

Those cervical vertebrates are especially gnarly. I wouldn’t want a shark swimming around my back as if it were a tank at Sea World.

Thanks again.

+1 Nice catch, old boy!

Thanks. I was reading (first problem) an article proposing that effectively limiting glucagon production could be a way of keeping BG lower, as glucagon pushes BG in the opposite direction from insulin (which can’t counteract the glucagon if it’s not being produced) .

It was a pathetic game of Duck, Duck, Toad. Jesus.

Yikes indeed.

Whoa! Did you just off someone? I’ve seen 3x St. Liz in the last 10 minutes, and I’m not on Ambien.

Well, I’m glad to hear that.

I did hear from another commenter about some numbskull who writes drivel in some other universe under my moniker (or what would be my moniker if he/she hadn’t used it first).


Idiot? Hmmm, I think I resemble that remark.

One more question, if I might?

We all go Tourette’s now and then.


Why not just go straight for the E. Coli?