
Exploiting Kate Spade, per gawkerite suggestion.

Damn if that gumflapping little weasel doesn’t clean up pretty well with a shave and some lipstick.

Proud to be ⭐ #400


Where I live, it would be a few months, but then you’d get 3 at once.

Nice (f***ing) catch!

Or she’s hitched to the Donald’s Doppelgänger.

Zolst lebn un zein gezunt! 💕


Bingo! Who wouldn’t want to be a chimp?

Farshtai’en.? Bey mir iz eyfertzikhtik fun tshimpanzi!

Oyf di hent? Di hunt iz nisht a tshimpanzi!

Er zikh oyf di hintn?

I’ll bet it has more than a few rings, and some other attributes not generally preferred by gentle souls.

Telly - sucker + hair + botox + beak trim - 50ptsIQ = _____________ ?

+1 Olestra!!! Oy vey iz meyn tuches

Tweet ghostwritten by former Blatter staffer.

+1 crystal ball

No, Peter just follows His Master’s Voice (and chases parked cars).

+1 Dickspotter