
Thanks. I can no longer not drool on my cat and keyboard.

+1 Reality Show

With Howard and Paula Deen?

I think the creators may have been inspired over Halloween...

+ Irony

(careful what you ask for......)


Not so.

Maybe she could start a charity for kids of Internet-stigmatized parents.

She’d never accept the demotion to Private Attention.

Monica wasn’t a fraud.

But who is she if she’s not in the public eye? Does that person even exist?

Scaling back is not in her DNA.

Here’s a novel thought - She could try to get an honest job and contribute money to charities aligned with her beliefs (like the rest of us who lack the means and nerve to bluff our way into actual cause-related jobs).

So beautiful.

The rule should require the ref to swear and belittle the player in the player’s native tongue.

They give you all their booze, hooch, comics, and Antonio Banderas blow-up sex dolls?

I’m too dense to understand how you could possibly prove that no one complained about her NAACP work or questioned her teaching.

After all the calculated deception, no way is the burden on the doubters.