
Uh.... this?

A man of the peeps.

Not that the Ginger Douche won’t do something, but if he wants to dance, he has some distinctions to hang his toupee on.

+1 Courtroom artist in guy’s brain

Whether we actually learn it or not....

Shit. Which category does he fall into?

Hmm. Sounds like his take either way was.... hmmm..... $0.00

+1 Model parenting

Point of clarification - Hardy was not “declared legally innocent.”

Brilliant as she is, and as sniveling and boot-licking he, statisticslly speaking he will be right and she wrong 3 times out of 1000.

Allow me to help... >FFFLUSH!<

My guess? Mostly fiction, unlesss there are a lot of people writing as “Amanda Chatel” out there.

+1 Amanda sleuthing

Ha. Thanks - maybe we could ask Coca-Cola, the DNC, and Long John Silver for, er, seed money ...

+1 KC fans

+1 Urethra!

+1 brilliant idea.

Oy, Relationships!

Single, up, for you!