
What do you say when you squeeze (one of) his..... ?

This belated Blatter voiding is going to soak everyone.

+1 Good rec

Shhh..... he could probably make a mint off Maalox promos.

I used to work in Michigan back when unions were still relevant, Kwame the Messiah had not even sent his first text message, and term limits had not yet turned the government into a dismal cesspool of greed effectively ruled by lobbyists.

How about Courser & Gamrat - think they’ll make it back into office?

Just in time. Think of what you’d have missed if you’d been living somewhere civilized! Maybe they’ll be reelected.....

Bush was a mere VP in the 80s. ??

+1 Thumb on Michigan’s Pulse


For the sake of America’s future, can you tell us how serious Joe Biden’s phrase-borrowing was?

According to DeSelby’s Modern Grammar, you can leave the first verb in the present tense in multiverb combinatorial constructions, as in:

Comma after “Posts,” sí?

NB - Instructions on head removal should preface digital exploration pics. (Unless, of course, goggles are involved.)

Wow. Thanks for the enlightenment...

Since you asked (or meant to), here’s a current snap of KC in her 2015 Halloween costume.

I’ll give you that it may have originated in Demi-tasse, but it mutated into Demi, D-Ass.

He will simply have to learn to call better plays while drunk.

Tried twice - criminally?