
How about after 80?

+1 Well-Greased Bedpost

Hmm. In most if not all states, previous judicial experience is not required of appellate court judges.

Thanks for breathing some fact into this speculation broth.

+1 Bon Mots

+1 Raymond Chandler of Jezebel

There is no reason for concluding judges/justices seated through any political process, particularly at the state level, have demonstrated competence in any area other than politics. True, federal judges are usually smart lawyers, but they may also be or become insensitive, arrogant, and highly partisan.

Are we bad persons for having carnivorous pets?

What kind or quantity of education would have altered this scenario? Nothing against it, but you can’t send Cruella DeVille to sensitivity training and get Michelle Obama back.

Of course you’re right. Some of them are on the bench because they are good, smart people who were willing to take substantial pay cuts to serve the public.

** Auto-correct alert **

But, alas, to whom do judicial misconduct squads typically answer?

Rotten judicial attitudes aren’t unique to Florida or Republican appointees, sad to say.

Training is pissing in the wind to someone who doesn’t care about anyone else.

+1 Good start....


So does crisp, tailored, eye-popping designerwear. But at least it’s not mocking those who can’t afford it.

Well, you’re lucky to have him, and he’s lucky to have scored a kindly cat-lover who nurtures his inner chill.

You’ve created a poster child for the No Worries Foundation. Doesn’t look like he’s hunted for much lately beyond a softer place to flop.

Mouthy Moron Matt edged out Cuckoo Curt Schilling for the BTN football “color” spot.