
How many other former legislators, attorneys general, and other elected officials do you suppose might have used public resources to further their private interests before they stepped down without even drawing a sigh from the Attorney Grievance Commission?

Seems pretty clear she was an, er, insider all along.

+1 What God’s Really Thinking

I don’t even want to think about the taste left in her mouth.

DC? Maybe start a self-help business with Josh Duggar?

How does that work - stand up with wads of cash in each hand and demand a rusty trombone?

She’s a total delusional, narcissist idiot, whereas he’s a near-total delusional, narcissist idiot who’s been been force-fed a few more shitburgers over the last several weeks.

Especially since no vids have been released just yet....

They also wanted their friends among the Republican leadership to unburden their consciences and tell everyone what they actually knew back before Jimmy Fallon was mocking the lusty teabaggers.

Of course(r) there’s logic to it. The middle-of-the-road Republicans (that is, the ones who are only 5 standard deviations to the right of right-center) want the fringey tea partiers gone as soon as possible so as to be able to rehog the spotlight and to minimize the likelihood of having to disclose communications

That would be pretty tame scenario, if true.

Wodehouseian, maybe. O’Rourkeian, perhaps. But Parker-and-Stoneian most of all.

Now playing

Therefore..... .... uh ...... Grover is a witch! Burn him!

Sounds like inside scoop. You must be part of that silent but deadly Lansing mafia Courser warned us about.

Nice touch.

Arschkeks, Kuhnase, or Fleischberg might work in a pinch.

It is a puzzle, all right. It can’t be completely explained by gun laws, diet, or climate.

Slapping two nouns together is a perfectly sensible way of coming up with pretty imagery: Goldfarb, Blackhead, Schwanzkopf, Douchenozzle, Douchecanoe, etc.

How terrible, pray tell??

Walmart is so much more je ne sais quoi