
Uh, your username? Hmm.... juicy seems rather, er, dry by comparison.

Of course. Assburgers go both ways.

+1 Great title for Broadway finale

You of all people should be thinking about contributing a supplement to the OED. Deal?

Spoiler Alert -

Don’t even think about asking hospital ER workers to start cataloging foreign objects....

Look closely - that might be Duke Washington, who was a non-speaking Jet in West Side Story and later a dean at U. Washington.

Is it safe to assume if you were a restaurateuse you might have squadrons of trained cats ready to go pee, spray, vomit, and laugh in the direction of recalcitrant customers? (Or if you were hosting debates on cable channels?)

How did you reward him/her (the cat, that is, not the friend)?

+1 Novel use of everyday phrase “normal people”


Gotcha. Though you might expect that if you start writing about your wonderful critters (and you’re a good writer), folks will want more. So.... how about you write a limerick about each one?

Fart piles.

Don’t forget consorting with hookers, going to the woodshed, weeping before the congregation, consorting with hookers again.....

Fire Art Briles, he needs to be fucked with a bear claw immediately with no lube.

What... no pix?

Interesting piece - thanks.

Points well taken.

In fact, it was putting ketchup on Lutheran Hot Dish after choir practice.

Lots of new amusing new stuff this week - time for an update?

Ah. Make that rubber souls.